Just In
for If You Could

6/6/2012 c1 30rainbowspring
Very sweet! :D
7/2/2010 c1 padsy
I like it. Very short, but poignant.
11/12/2009 c1 5Victoria Viridian
that was so sweet!


yeah, i think it's Astoria, not Asteria. if JK Rowling PRONOUNCES it Astoria, that's what it is, right? and i KNOW it appears to say Asteria on the tree, i think that might just be something with her writing, because if you look at the rest of her writing on the tree, her "O"s are may look like an E because she might've dragged her pen across while writing.

anyways, nice fic!
8/30/2009 c1 2LeylaFenixx
“If you could, would you?”


I love how that just sort of like resumes everything, beacuse that's all that matters after all. I loved the drabble and am heading to read more from you.
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
I think we should write something to do with this. I like this.
11/4/2008 c1 4David Fishwick
Sweet idea and thanks for writing.
10/17/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz
I think it's Atoria. Because Ateria sounds like hysteria, doesn't it? LOL

I liked it. That couple has a good future in my imagination. Other may disagree but I thinkg thye turned out being good people, despite the fact that they are Slytherins pureblood.(Yeah, I think she's like one or two years younger than hijm and was in the same house)

6/1/2008 c1 4TerryTarhop
Obviously Draco regrets the dark mark and ever becoming a Death Eater in the first place, by the sound of it. The question on Astoria, not even J.K. can make up her mind. And if she doesn't know, nobody does. Although we don't really have much of a liking for Asteria, (let's just call her "Greengrass Jr."?) but we have to admit that was sweet.
6/1/2008 c1 5Ice-princess-Natalie
That was such a sweet stoy. I love it, what was the story that you read? I'm really curious.
5/24/2008 c1 slythandromeda
How sweet :). Draco might be a scumbag, but he probably regrets his actions (or at least most of them) during the war.

Also, Rowling said in an interview that she was called Astoria but in the documentary she wrote Asteria in the family tree...oh well.

Good job :)
5/22/2008 c1 93RebeccaRoy

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