Just In
for Hypocritical

5/14/2018 c1 Guest
That last line...hahahahah
11/28/2010 c1 25NotaPunk
The last two lines are fantastic!
6/2/2010 c1 lollipopsicle
lol. i love this!

it's literally the way i'd picture this kind of conversation. :)

10/6/2009 c1 13bellastrange51
Aww! How cute! I luv Ted and Dromie!
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
“Do you think it’s a bad sign that he was friends with Sirius?” She asked, looking up into Ted’s face.

“Are you kidding? He kept calling me ‘sir’!”

Very cute and sweet. I really like it.
3/31/2009 c1 screamxheart
aw this story is really cute.
3/12/2009 c1 2etiolation
Nice little fic, really sweet and adorable. =)

I really loved how you wrote Ted, the last line was classic.
10/17/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz

That Remus...Nice fic

This is my last one. Yeah., I finish reading all your fics. I hope there are more to come :)

I really like the weay you write. You have talent, don't waste it ;)

Until your next update!

5/27/2008 c1 119nicarchive
dont be hypocritical andromeda ! *stern look*

lol, yay for ted tonks. good job. short yet sweet :)
5/24/2008 c1 merimas
ah, Ted and Andromeda. the world can always use more fics like these.

I especially liked that last bit about Sirius...



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