9/8/2010 c1 Guest
Omg I love this story so much.
Omg I love this story so much.
3/16/2009 c6
4Tentenperson-Temari cosplay
lolz awsome XD
can't wait! X3
you DO have ideas for yor next chappie right? lolz
if Something close to what i think happens then I am PHYCIC!

lolz awsome XD
can't wait! X3
you DO have ideas for yor next chappie right? lolz
if Something close to what i think happens then I am PHYCIC!
12/9/2008 c5
*twitch twitch* oh come on! update please! oh please! it would amuse me greatly! i luv ya stories! they rock so freakin' hard!

*twitch twitch* oh come on! update please! oh please! it would amuse me greatly! i luv ya stories! they rock so freakin' hard!
6/30/2008 c4
like your series very funny-original idea about martial art thing
anyway cant wait for chappie 5
gaara and sakura or sakura and sasuke?
please choose

like your series very funny-original idea about martial art thing
anyway cant wait for chappie 5
gaara and sakura or sakura and sasuke?
please choose
6/30/2008 c3 Crackfiction
REALLY FUNNY! love the story, hope you find someone for ten ten and hinata
maybe shikamaru or sometin :)
REALLY FUNNY! love the story, hope you find someone for ten ten and hinata
maybe shikamaru or sometin :)