Just In
for I'm All Yours

1/28/2013 c1 Maria
I like the way you've taken dialogue and a scenario from the sound of music and adapted it for B&B, but it would have been great if you acknowledged what you did.
6/28/2011 c1 121lrigD
Nice! I recognized The Sound of Music dialogue right away and as much as I love that movie, I'm not sure the dialogue fits here... I can't really see Brennan saying the things Maria says. Regardless, most of it did fit and I loved how I could recognize it right away.

And the rest of the story... perfect :)
6/1/2011 c1 Monkey62
Beautifully written. Thank you. I love a bit of jealousy.
6/7/2010 c1 4waitingforjudgement
I like this. It's like a scene straight out of 'The Sound of Music' with a Bones twist. I like this very much.

2/11/2010 c1 38VirginiaTin
Love this fick. It's really romantic and well written :)
11/6/2009 c1 cricket104
sweet story :)

i'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that you are a sound of music fan? haha i thought i recognized the "We’re both woman. Let’s not pretend we don’t see it when a man notices us" line, but the scene later with angela and brennan confusion confirmed it!

i love that movie and i love b&b so it was great! i really liked it!

next time you might wanna give credit where it's due. even ifs it a simple "inspired by the sound of music". its still plagiarism even if its a fanfic and some movie lines
5/8/2009 c1 7raleighlane
The hills are alive with the sound of music...

Loved it :)
3/26/2009 c1 16Angeldream05
Ok, now i'm starting to read all of your fics and they are all beautiful! This one is... wonderful! :-)) it has all my things that I love in a fanfic... BB fluff, a dance, Angela-Brennan interactions etc. :-D great job
2/1/2009 c1 4LeahElizabeth
Nothing like some good fluff. GOOD JOB.
11/25/2008 c1 97bingblot
As a lover of 'Sound of Music' myself, the inspiration for the bathroom scene was definitely familiar. :-) Maybe a little out of character of Bones but really, somebody needs to push her out of her denial somehow.

Beautifully written, though.
11/20/2008 c1 Laura
I love it, it's so beautifully romantic. Sigh.
11/18/2008 c1 RangerCM
Since you asked for edit corrections, I'll add this one.

"Uncertainly was replaced by joy and contentment as she turned her face to his." I think you intended to say, "uncertainty"

OK, so if that's the ONLY thing I found, I'd say you work pretty well when you are feeling rushed! :-)

Seriously, I am one of the many guilty of enjoying every single word you write, yet never leaving a comment. Most of the time, it's because I'm excited to get to the next story! But that really isn't any excuse. I love your writing. I'm sure I'd love it even if I wasn't a huge Bones fan, just because you bring the characters to life so well.

I've only got one more to read (I've been skipping around a bit) and I'm almost a little sad to start it. So the holidays are approaching...and you'll have some time off from your studies...Does that mean we'll get some new stories? (she asks hopefully) Anything I can do to give your muse a nudge? some hot tea, perhaps?
10/8/2008 c1 5Hannah J Granger
i didn't see any errors...maybe booth's attractiveness (yes, even in the written word) blinded mefrom them, lol!
9/29/2008 c1 35Zabby Perno
Hey! You like Sound Of Music? *squeals*

Anywho, great job. I love Booth and Bones!

9/5/2008 c1 6DearestLizzie
" . . .for some reason she minded terribly that Booth’s hands were, for the first time in a long time, at the small of someone else’s back." Oh, my gosh, LOVED THIS:-) And the way you had Bones realize that the lab no longer offered her comfort, that she only got that from Booth. I'm almost drowning in wonderful, utterly romantic fluff right now! Your portrayal of Angela was great. I was laughing at how she described the "date's" behavior. Great job!
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