Just In
for Changing Forever

4/9/2010 c6 paula13
please update it such a good story
12/20/2009 c6 1KrispyyLeighh
haha i love this story! update?

also could u check out my step up crossover?
11/23/2009 c6 1soapgirl411
I liked this chapter. I want to learn more about Andie and Blair's relationship. I am glad your back. :)
9/7/2009 c5 kelsey112
love it finish this soon
8/16/2009 c4 5charlie-pace-shall-live-again
oh and I think monster real name is freddie
8/16/2009 c5 charlie-pace-shall-live-again
cool story please update soon I'm running out of step up 2 fic's to read.

maby the 410 could turn up again and I can sense chemestry with cable and blaire LOL

update soon :)
7/22/2009 c5 1soapgirl411
good chapter. I am looking forward to learning more about Blair. Please update soon. :0)
7/22/2009 c4 soapgirl411
I liked the chapter. I am glad Andie and Chase are going on a date. :0) I am looking forward to see how Blair dances.
7/22/2009 c2 soapgirl411
good chapter. I like how you put youtube in there. Its cool their watching their kiss on there.
7/22/2009 c3 soapgirl411
good chapter. I like Blair so far. :0) I hope Andie and Chase get together soon.
6/17/2009 c5 G-da-dancing-queen
I love this story it is totally awesome please update soon! Cause this is totally awesome!
6/16/2009 c5 20fritznkitty2007
Uh oh... Am I sensing some sub-text between Cable and Blair.

Good god, I guess that boy's moves can impress any girl.

It sort of worked for my character Fiona in my fanfic too...But that;s another story. LOL.

I love this stroy so far though. Please continue.

If you would like to email me. I have a Yahoo account and my address is celticwoman0829, and you know thae rest.

Thanks and Write back,

6/16/2009 c1 1soapgirl411
I liked it. very cute.
3/10/2009 c4 1Mama A
i like it, it's different

i'd like to read more

deffinetly isn't terrible

but also not amazing

it's good

2/16/2009 c4 1Aerianna Lupin
This is great!
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