Just In
for Curious Much

10/26/2020 c1 10CocoBe78
Ich hab gebrüllt vor süß!
3/10/2016 c1 1anonymousfanfictiongeek
11/9/2013 c1 2PsychoWriter16
Oh dear lord, THIS WAS HILARIOUS. And Yuuri and Wolfie, you naughty boys you! That's why we love you two though XD!
9/30/2013 c1 natsuki23
Ha! So funny! I love it!
5/19/2013 c1 IloveSweets
This is a really good story
I guessed right
About half way through I though "Wait it was a hot day plus the conversastion must equal ... POPSICKLES!?"
4/9/2013 c1 Guest
love this it was like what and ohh my god this is soo good
11/23/2012 c1 26Fi Suki Saki
Gosh... That's scary!

I don't know Yuuri can be that pervert! DX lol

Poor the one who made Popsicle, that ice is used to practice for something Hen**i...!
11/21/2011 c1 33001001000110
GAH! Very nice twisting at the end! I totally didn't see that coming. Congrats! XD
9/12/2011 c1 winnie the pooh22
8/11/2011 c1 5DestinyWitch
it was great. i love the way yuuram were acting.
6/23/2011 c1 OrphndAcct
Kyaaa! To train Wolfram! How cute! Lovely! Gunter chocking in his own blood puddle...
3/3/2011 c1 SheWhoIsPowerful
lmfao this story is amazing i must have read it ten times. It had me rotf. I am soo adding this to my favorites. I never expected that ending i thought it would be just a misunderstanding. I love, love love tnis story way to go. ^_^
1/14/2011 c1 6strawfuzz
hahaha... this story made me curious too...:smileys:
12/30/2010 c1 6Sincere Disappearance
Hahah- wait. They were practising? What a nice disguise.

I wonder who's idea it was to train on ice lollys, and also, why wasn't Yuuri 'training' too?

Hahaha, but it worked!

I loved the it, I just didn't understand who was talking to Conrad at the end, I presume it was Gwendal?

Oh well, great story!
9/29/2010 c1 2Boo I scare you
Lol epic ending, I kinda have a story like that but for naruro. Hahah of course it wasn't anything like yours tho haha.
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