Just In
for Comfort

3/18/2015 c1 29fanofthisfiction
I very much enjoyed this chapter and now you have me wondering what was going through Sasuke's mind in all of this now that you've explored Tenten's.

I enjoyed the way the story is told. It unfolds in waves and it isn't until the end that the reactions of Tenten and her comfort level with Sasuke are completely revealed to me. Wonderful complete story!
9/30/2012 c1 2Animefangirl95
That was really great:) idk there was just something about it that made it so perfect

Anyway great job:)
4/14/2012 c1 10ShizukaYuukiMistress10
I loved this story! You wrote it so well, I thought this was so brilliant and deserving to be on my favourites!
5/6/2010 c1 41Here's Your Cheese Omelette
It's a rather interesting sight to see Sasuke comforting someone, but the way you wrote it worked. It was in character, and believable.

The lines of friendship here were faded a bit for me, despite the mention of NejiTen.

It's not really my thing, SasuTen, but it's sweet, this fic.

My sis likes the way you write btw.

Keep up the good work Dana!
4/13/2010 c1 Miyukin
DX I swear if you had written more, I would have cried... That was so so cute
5/7/2009 c1 Pseudonym la Anonymous
aww. how cute! :P
10/1/2008 c1 Celestialfae
That was a sweet story. although i am more of a Tenten/Neji pairing rather than a Sasuke/tenten pairing. but great story anyway though.
9/29/2008 c1 11R.Sakari
WOW... i like this story.

Continue to make stories like this!
9/1/2008 c1 RemoveDeleteKill Account
Nice job ... made me feel all nice and warm. I like the subtlety of it (mainly coz I'm a NEji/ten fan).
8/15/2008 c1 4Seesay
i love it!
6/28/2008 c1 7Gaarazlilmiss
So cute. It was very believable, and I enjoyed every bit of it. You did a good job, I never thought a SasuTen story would even be good like this, but you've given me a good impression on it. Thanks!

6/2/2008 c1 1Icyhellfire
Beautiful, I love SasuTen, their peronalities, or what I know of them, seem like they would really fit. Thank you so much for writing this!^^


5/31/2008 c1 I 3 ur story
Kawaii! I hope you do another SasuTen, you write really good^^

It's kinda refreshing to see a decent SasuTen writer^^
5/30/2008 c1 1smallpaperweight
subtley sweet.

too bad there arent more sasuten sotries out there!
5/29/2008 c1 2GeoMill
Wow...just wow...

I like the way you use metaphors and similes! They are like a spell, man! Your story is magic! I don't know what to criticize you on! I'm totally astounded! I hope you write more SasukexTenten because you just got yourself a new fangirl! This story inspired me so much. I was having a writer's block and when I read this, it was like *poof* IDEAS! You saved me from getting a low grade in my essay! YAY! I'd love to give to constructive criticism but can't find anything unpleasant in the story. IT's so soothing. I think they are quite In Character. You did a great job! I'm in love with this story!


PS: I hope you write more SasukexTenten.Hey! it's your fault your writing has enchanted me!
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