Just In
for Lily's Son

9/30 c1 nightpurr1
I'm really enjoying seeing you bringing this story back to live. I hope you will be continuing this.
I have been a fan of yours, so very long. I truly can't remember how many years it has been. I can say that I am still going back and re-reading them again.
Your biggest fan. Thanks for the entertainment.
8/30 c2 Guest
I am liking what you have so far and I am looking forward to your updates.
8/20 c2 Guest
good story
8/18 c2 R
I hope you will someday finish this one.
7/31 c2 2kydarkangel2007
i’d love to see you get back into writing this story
7/16 c2 reyesrachel805
Buenas noches, habrá continuación?
7/14 c2 23Elaelle
J'ai hâte de lire la suite mais dommage que petunia n'ai pas averti Harry sur Dumbledore mais l'ayant autorisé à se comporter comme Dudley ca va valser et il ira droit à serpentard
7/13 c2 321Potatoe
Update please?
7/1 c1 KittyStarBlue
Espero que Harry y Hermione sean pareja.
6/30 c2 skyj2021
Love this so far cant wait fir the next update
3/28 c2 rowenasheir
Are you going to write this story, A nice oen start to anything!
2/29 c2 joelyn
Please update
2/29 c2 n.angelina.meier
Hi, just found this story, it would be great if you manage to continue it since the plot sounds quite interesting.
2/8 c2 WoolFan
Hope you update! Love the idea.
1/28 c2 2spinnerofdark
: )
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