Just In
for A Blooming Edwardian Summer

8/19/2008 c3 5HistoryintheMaking
Ah now that seems interesting. I like the fact that Edward will meet another bella, a bella who isn't like Isabella Swan, but one whose hard working and knows what it's like to struggle. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
8/19/2008 c2 HistoryintheMaking
I love the fact that Persephone puts edward in his place! Your writing is fantastic. I can't wait to read the next chapter and find out what happens next to Edward Cullen...or should i say Edward Masen.
8/19/2008 c1 HistoryintheMaking
Very nice. I'm sure thousands of people read this and didn't bother to review. Well that's not me. This is beautiful. I love the fact that a greek goddess comes to edward, not some angel of death or something. I love when Edward says, "You," Edward said, "are on crack." I love that. It made me laugh. I also enjoyed the part where he ordered her to bring his parents back. that was great. He seemed like a little child there, naive and scared and confused, rather than the cool, calm and collected Edward we see on a daily basis. Your writing is perfect. Not too much details, not too much dialogue. It's the perfect blend. Plus, you keep the reader guessing.

Well I'm rambling now. Great chapter, can't wait to read the next one.
6/20/2008 c4 3K. Rynna
good update SOON can't wait to find out how they meet and how Edward will reacted it would be funny if he just when up to her and kissed her.
6/10/2008 c4 2signorinakimberly
Wow. I love this.

Greek Gods. Vampires. A perfect combination.

I love that Edward regained his mortality and how you captured his youthful innocence through the flashbacks of the funeral and everything.

And then, not to mention, Bella's character is perfect. She's slightly different, but you didn't make her completely OOC. Everything's perfect. Can't wait for an update.
6/7/2008 c4 xcept
Wow! I love Bella's character so much! Update!
6/7/2008 c4 InspiredDelinquent
wow very original. its pretty cool so far. cant wait to see what happens next

update soon please!
6/7/2008 c4 JadedFantasies
original i like it, involving greek gods and goddes in with twilight! update soon please!
6/6/2008 c2 14curlyk03

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