Just In
for Numb

7/23/2008 c1 4razmataz13drums
aww how sad. really like ur story its well written and great stry line. Surely the crew would've been there for Ande? Anywayz it doesnt matter, nice one.
6/7/2008 c1 16DDDeloris
Wow, that was great! I'm so glad I imspired you. When I read the I was like, "What the heck?" Haha, anyway, you're a great writer and you have a wonderful gift. You should go far with it.
6/7/2008 c1 2kittydelara
Aww was that her mommy talking to her? That was such a cute story, and wasn't copying Danyi in anyway, you totally made it your own. Loved it!

Kitty x

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