Just In
for Destiny

9/9/2012 c4 gentelDreamer18
Grrr dontjust stop like that u almost made me cry finish it pllllleeeeeeeaaaassse.
3/17/2010 c4 1Azumigurl
1/29/2010 c4 Kira1993
Hi, I love your story and I hope you update soon^^
1/17/2010 c3 5amahami
same as chap 1+2 and I am liking this story... chapters are a little short, but yeah... :/... :?... :D...?
1/17/2010 c2 amahami
Same thing I said last chap. I now officially have a headache from trying to decode your story *chuckle*. I am now begging you, on my hands and knees, PLEASE LET ME REVISE/EDIT! PLEASE SINISTER FO TEH AKATSUKI-DONO! *bows deeply*
1/17/2010 c1 amahami
I'm going to revise and edit right now. If you'll give me your e-mail address, I'll send it to you. I'll give you mine first; if you'd prefer, but anywho, your grammar, and some of your writing all in all sucks. Good plot, bad story. If you want; I'll help you fix that. :D:?:/
7/16/2009 c3 Keo-chan
hehheh the pen part was hilarious love t!
11/14/2008 c3 5The Midnightmoonflower
come on write a longer chapter i am so bored of reading stories i like and then they just happen to be cut short..
10/18/2008 c3 Megan Consoer
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
9/28/2008 c3 5Peyton Cummings
stupid baka hanyou, he always has to upset kagome and it always leads to her getting into some sort of situation that ends in love or death. update soon
9/13/2008 c3 angelapage
Great fanfic, keep up the grat work.
9/13/2008 c3 Sharon
You really need a beta reader. Other than that the story is great.
7/23/2008 c2 PleaseDeleteDon'tWantItAnymore
I don't want to sound mean, but it feels like i have read this story many times before. It sounds so generic. Please don't take it the wrong way!
6/17/2008 c2 1Yami-Yugi Slash angel
updatey soon, k?
6/12/2008 c2 sesshyluvsjc
It's kick-ass so far! I LOVE IT. Update soon, k?
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