Just In
for Captive

2/12/2019 c1 Revanchist21
This story is very interesting and I really hope you will have more chapters in the near future soon since this story is getting good! Keep up the good work man! Hope you will have more chapters in the near future soon!
9/12/2017 c1 Guest
Great story! please update soon
3/16/2015 c1 KimilyaTaru
you MUST continue this! this is awsome fic! well,, i won't push my luck! great job anyway
1/30/2015 c1 WeeniesandBewbies
Bruh. You seriously need to continue on with story. This story is gangster

I lobe the way you write&& Especially the naughty naughty part. Wow. Best ever.

Please don't give up on this. I must say that this is the best SasuHina I have ever read&& Believe a brother. I've read quite a lot. Lol.
1/27/2015 c1 Myra
This is really good. Great job _
8/5/2014 c1 Sasuhina fan
Please continue this.
11/4/2013 c1 Guest
please continue!
10/18/2012 c1 lulu
Please! continue this story i loved it so much I LOVED Sasukes tenderness to her 'think of someone else if you dont like it" Please continue this story ;3;
10/9/2012 c1 Guest
You have some talent as a writer, though it's unfortunate to see such a glorified description of rape. It's not nearly as romantic as you have written it. I think you could have introduced some rough sex/forced sex a bit more realistically. The plot is lacking and generic. I'd love to see you put more effort into the actual stories in the future.
8/13/2012 c1 ouo
Finish Itttt.
12/21/2011 c1 SunnyJ
Hmm sounds interesting! Update soon please :D
12/7/2011 c1 crookshies
Loved it
10/2/2011 c1 9Kaila Azroth
I wish you would get back to writing this
8/5/2010 c1 Doll-Airi
Y-YOU MUSSST continue! Puh-leaaase ! D=

I want to see how true romance will spark between sasuke and hinata after that rape ! poor hinataa anywayss you must continue Dx this was well very well written, i know its been year and year yea BUTTT! Please its really sad when awesome authors like you suddenly stops writing... unless you're dead but no one would want anyone to die anyway.

How are you anyway ! T-T
8/4/2010 c1 A-FAN
i know it's been years but u should continue...
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