Just In
for Year 2: Dawn

7/3/2012 c3 5FORD B
Very awesome story! I'm really impressed with it and really like OC stories best. Will be getting back to reading more when I have time again. Keep up the great work!
7/18/2010 c9 4spiderninja16
another great chapter my dear. cant wait to read what happens next
7/3/2010 c9 143ALIMOO1971
Great chapter, please up date soon
6/11/2010 c8 4spiderninja16
very nicely done. keeping the original feel of the episode while adding in a new character that flows nicely with the the original cast.
6/8/2010 c8 sh777
Thank you for the chapter. :)
6/8/2010 c8 143ALIMOO1971
Great chapter, but the question is, who told Armin about the SGC, surly Jamila would of found out who the leak is? please up date soon
9/20/2009 c7 O'Neill89

This story is great.
7/26/2009 c7 ALIMOO1971
Great chapter, talk about one surprise after another in this chapter, please, please up date soon
7/26/2009 c1 jool3
Great chapter again. I for one, enjoy the monstrous chapters as you called them, lol! So I'm looking forward to more soon hopefully?
6/16/2009 c1 92KellethMetheus
Very well set up and I want to read more it was just too long of chapter and now I have to go save my kids from drowning in the bathtub.

I'll read more soon.

4/26/2009 c6 jool3
This is great. I can't believe the amount of characterisation and detail you've managed to put in. I'm really looking forward to more. I'm a J/S shipper all the way and I just loved their thoughts when they just touched hands. Very sweet!
4/25/2009 c6 143ALIMOO1971
great chapter, please up date soon
2/16/2009 c5 ALIMOO1971
great chapter, please, please up date soon
1/11/2009 c4 ALIMOO1971
great chapter, please, please up date soon
12/19/2008 c3 Snowdove30
Excellent update. Nice descriptive action scenes. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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