Just In
for A Mother's Love

12/21/2021 c4 Guest
Will rose be a friend to Bella?
12/20/2021 c1 Guest
Will Rose be friends with Bella?
7/24/2018 c20 1RosalieHale237
i can't wait to read more I hope you write more.
7/11/2013 c20 crazycats7
I really wish that would you finish this story. I like a lot. I would love to see Bella and the girls get a happy ending.
6/30/2013 c9 Ashley
one of the best fanfics i have ever read! nice job!
3/30/2013 c6 Guest
when will they move in together?/?/
7/9/2011 c20 2BronzeHairedMystery
:o please update the next chapter x I'm in love with this story and would love to find out how it ends x
6/10/2011 c4 Lexi
First of all, you had a really good story line going there, I was completely intrigued. The first few chapters were really well written too. But honestly, a child doesnt talk that way at 4 years old, its a little unbelievable. And also, why didnt you drag out the romance and tension between Edward and Bella more? You've given away a huge appeal of the story now. And really, they would not fall in love in a day and Edward would not be that comfortable in that environment in one day. If you re-wrote this story, and fixed up these things I think it would be a really awesome story :) all in all, pretty good writing though
4/17/2011 c20 5EBRAJERCECullen 130
please write more!this is really good! do you know of any similar stories?
11/3/2010 c20 OnceAWildcatAlwaysAWildcat
8/22/2010 c20 Twilight Lover
Ok this story is freaking amazing so u need to update like now! Please please please update!
6/30/2010 c16 1VanessaRose10
OMG! Dude i totally thought you were going to write that she got better. That's the saddest twist i read in my life.
1/23/2010 c1 2edwardlovbella
i love this story, please keep going with it.
12/26/2009 c1 Gossip girl
Your story is the BEST EVER ! write more i like it even more than twilight
10/13/2009 c6 AnniesNotOkayMJ
This is greta really sad though also you used th wrong vein you wrote into her vain instead of vein.
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