Just In
for In Case of Siege

11/27/2022 c8 farez87
Thanks for such beatiful story. It is the best BtT fanfics I read. Please post epilogue.
6/19/2020 c1 Guest
you are the best author I have ever seen every story you Have written is the best _
9/10/2017 c1 Guest
yeeeeeeeyjg,,hugvfjhdsak, 32L4
11/24/2013 c8 2skyent
I know it's been 5 years. But I'm still waiting for the epilogue!
7/25/2009 c8 8SuperxXxGirl79
i must say, i would like to hear about the "bath in the creek" that Jess and Leslie take together. that would be an interesting one-shot afterwards
7/25/2009 c2 SuperxXxGirl79
7/25/2009 c1 SuperxXxGirl79
3/16/2009 c8 SarahTheEpic
this is so cool, plez update fast
1/8/2009 c1 6Peace-Love-And-Mokneys7112
it was really good!
12/12/2008 c8 1Ai102
I am really enjoying this story very much and I hope you update it really soon.
12/2/2008 c8 3percy55
Excellent story, I’ll be awaiting the epilogue. BTW… I was expelled from a school bus in much the same way that Jesse was (I was falsely accused of course, just like Jesse was). It was a long time ago though, so the rules were probably different then.
11/10/2008 c8 4LM1991
Oi, the book turned out fine, didn't it? Everyone could make that mistake! Please update soon?


10/27/2008 c8 3emenelness
Great story! can't wait for the epilogue :)

You're a Filipino too right? Well, me too! :)
10/21/2008 c8 4Arklune
Well that sure didn't start the way I expected after the end of the last chapter. :)

Another fantastic update, not that I expected anything less from you Tom. I enjoyed the references to Liberty Valence, it's one of my Dad's favorites.
10/20/2008 c8 5G-Matt
Brilliant chapter! Great reference to Zooey Deschanel's filmography!
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