Just In
for Lioness is tired of waiting

3/15/2017 c15 Guest
Writing skills are amazing. I can actually picture it in my head. PLEASE, I know you are on hiatus but if this story could ever have another chapter, the whole community would be grateful :)))
3/15/2017 c15 Guest
I know you said you were not feeling it but your story rocks! :D If this story could be finished I would be so so happy. Just read what one person wrote on what would have happened in season 3 :( :)
12/12/2012 c15 1Aniejj
When do you think the next chapter will come
11/22/2012 c1 Guest
I just read this story & it is amazing.. Even thought I know you are on hiatus I still want you to know that you're writting skills are amazing :) Please Please PLEASE make another chapter! :')
7/13/2012 c15 Maddylovessmiles
It is great! Ok I need more! You are a great writer and I can see your like me. You can really get the story going. Try to get the next chapter out ASAP
12/15/2011 c15 Anna210
Hey, CONTINUE THE STORY! it's really good and I like De! Please please please continue I got really interested in your story it sounds really good so please finish it, but not like with one quick chapter but with a reall good effort and a lot of chapters! Just try to write at least one chapter and if you want I can help u out with some new ideas!

thanks anyway for good story!

7/3/2010 c15 JM
I love this story! Please make Axel REALLY jealous and let him break up with Madison (sorry, don't like her, that stupid girl, it should be AxelxLioness!).

3/24/2010 c15 TeamBonnieBennett
LOVE IT i hope you will update soon.!
3/18/2010 c15 KEKE-ROCKSTAR
please write another chapter please!
12/19/2009 c15 44katie
good story and chapter plz update soon
12/5/2009 c12 Dory
Do we ever find out what are beyond those two doors?
11/28/2009 c15 8Colored Sabotage
I love your story! There's nothing else to say. Continue soon please!
9/24/2009 c15 kicyslawa
Awesome story, I just can't wait to see what'll be in next chapter ;D
8/6/2009 c15 7me myself and ink
it was really good. cant wait for the next chapter. does she end up with axel or de?
6/29/2009 c15 Siimba207
Really not bad at all ! And the lenght of the chapter is just fine. Can't wait for the next one ! :)
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