Just In
for A Baffling Visit

10/2/2021 c1 nicole
what do you mean Fred's not dead and whoever says I'm in denial it is not true
9/30/2019 c1 silentfeather123
woah my name is Katya
7/12/2018 c1 icecatfire
I actually found this while searching for stories where George Weasley is Willy Wonka; having heard/read the theory about it, and I have to say, it's a good story. :) Gives off a Willy Wonka type air. *Beams*
8/20/2016 c1 Cassandra30
10/16/2015 c1 7V. L. Crawford
LMAO! This was brilliant!
4/25/2015 c1 31flower pot girl
12/26/2014 c1 pgtnr1
That was phenomenal! Made me smile
2/2/2014 c1 4Poppyseed Pomphrey
Ok I am currently supposed to be sleeping so your fic is 'as annoying as hell' I tried reading this without laughing so I don't wake my roommate but a well
10/30/2013 c1 LovingFanFiction
i really enjoy you're writing style! this was a super cute story :)
12/4/2012 c1 9AllieKatheryn
Loved this.
11/13/2011 c1 11Loves to read books
I wish this was true! have WWW make products for us muggles. *sigh*
4/20/2011 c1 15OT6AllTheWay-BCNSTT
Great job. I didn't think I would enjoy this story, but I figured I would give it a try. I am glad I did 8D. Though it is kinda of sad how long it took me to realize the reporter was a muggle. lol.
3/12/2011 c1 8MuggleCreator
Had me chuckling. A lot. Very interesting idea, and I am all for it.
11/14/2008 c1 CrayonsPink
Great job! I loved this! I always wondered why the muggles didn't find out about W. It seems like Fred and George would want to expand their herizons. Excellent job!
8/28/2008 c1 shiftyless
LMAO! Damn fantastic, just like well fantastic
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