Just In
for Pieces

6/14/2009 c1 7I-don't-know-my-name4
Well, interesting because Suzaku didn't become the loser he is now. But still, I will never forgive Suzaku.
6/14/2009 c1 17xiia
I wish Euphy would have lived. I am a Lelouch fangirl, but I also love Suzaku. Great fic though
8/7/2008 c1 DigitalDaydreamer
This was a great one-shot!^.^ Suzaku is an interesting character.He wants to change the world himslef but he still seems to cling on to justice and righteousness. That kinda makes him a hypocrite...ah well. I love Suzaku, this pairing, this entire show and its characters! ^.^ I can't wait for the main story.
7/19/2008 c1 bloodyknight85
'Okay... I can see why you should say that this is the shortest fic you have written... I have seen you write more... Trust me on that...

So, Euphemia survived... the massacre... I wonder how... I guess you will tell me soon enough... I am right to say that, isn't it?'

Keep up the good work, dude... Update sooN!
7/8/2008 c1 1Vanguarde
I always enjoy your writing because I can feel the emotion of the characters. Your stories are well thought out and written well. Keep up the good work. You're the one author I'll follow, because I know your works are good. Keep up the great work.
7/8/2008 c1 5mickeykity
This was very cute! I loved it!
7/7/2008 c1 Anonymous
The thing with Suzaku is that, the way he was in Code Geass was pretty cool (how he would choose to silently suffer in order to spare his friends any heartache, etc). He was loyal, warm, and kind. But since the end of Code Geass and the duration of the second season, it's obvious that Suzaku is much colder and harsher, while Lelouch, paradoxically, is warmer and softer.

The Code Geass canon is pretty damn clear. Suzaku, as of right now, is wrapped up in some sort of delusion that if he commits all the evil acts himself, he can save the world and there won't be any need for people like Zero. His past lead up to it and he is somewhat justified by the things that have happened to him. In essence, he is just another kind of Zero, he and Lelouch are essentially the same at this point, with but a single exception. Lelouch has long since realised that he must become a great evil to purge an even greater evil from the world. Suzaku still clings to notions of righteousness. Hypocrisy, it would seem, is a far more damning trait than any other in the eyes of viewers.

Of course, if, somehow, Euphemia were to survive, then everything that I just said about Suzaku ceases to be. He returns to being that caring, gentle, if somewhat broken individual that we loved from stage one right up to stage twenty two. In that context, your fic works beautifully. So yeah, don't worry about the haters. Suzaku x Euphemia reveals the side of Suzaku that is WORTH elaborating on, and simultaneously buries the embittered hypocrite we love to hate.
7/6/2008 c1 bloodhawk268
Good one-shot; can't wait for the main story.
7/6/2008 c1 13EmperorDraco7
Looks good. This is a very sweet one-shot, keep up the good work.
7/6/2008 c1 34EdgeofDarkness
i like suzaku too...some times. lol, it was good.

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