Just In
for The File Without Murder

11/21/2008 c5 12029823727361

The love scene, I skipped. Because... uh... I'm still young xD.

Wow. Ice cream. xD
11/21/2008 c4 12029823727361
Wow. In sync.

I love it.

I told you I rarely leave reviews for ALL CHAPTERS, which is what I am going to do with your fic here. Which I have fallen in love with.

11/21/2008 c2 12029823727361

Normally I just leave one review and that's it.

But this story is AMAZING!

I love it.

This is like coffee.

Only better.
11/21/2008 c1 12029823727361

i love the prologue. I almost closed the window after reading this chapter and then I saw that there were more chapters. And then I laughed. Madly.

Teehee. xD
10/11/2008 c5 6KatieBeth503
Way to go both of you! :D

Favorite line: "Wow. So you’re saying that a bunch of strawberries defied nature, grew lungs, a larynx, a tongue and teeth, learned English, and compelled you to bring them here?" Temperance said skeptically.

I literally laughed so hard I thought I was going to wake up my family (which would have been bad as it's 1:30 AM). That's such a Bones thing to say. I love your characterizations.
10/11/2008 c1 KatieBeth503
I had apple cinnamon cheerios for breakfast. They were really good.

Oh, and by the way, I enjoyed that. Very logical, very Brennan. Proceeding to the next chapter now, I just had to make sure you knew what I had for breakfast :P
10/8/2008 c7 2seeleysangel
Wow I hadn't seen this story before and just read it all the way through! It was lovely! I would love to see a sequel! Well done!
10/6/2008 c7 4purplepeopleeater78
please do a sequel i loved this story.
10/5/2008 c7 jennerallysweeter
aww what a sweet ending and yes yes please make a sequel!

10/5/2008 c7 Aching Bones
Hi there,

Oh yes I loved this whole story...Love how Booth wrote in all his little answers to her questions and statements...Love how you left his until the end...

Had to laugh how Cullen knew and the fact that he 'won the bet'...

Yes please do write a sequel...

Loved this...

10/5/2008 c3 Aching Bones
Hi there,

Oh I can not wait for tonight either...I wonder will Bones have to read his file or not?...

Looking forward to more...

10/5/2008 c2 Aching Bones
Hi there, that Bones has come clean with something just might happen...

Have to laugh that the minute Angela arrives in his office he immediately thinks something is wrong with Bones...

And just what 'paperwork' fell off Booth's

Looking forward to more...

10/5/2008 c1 Aching Bones
Hi there,

Really interesting story so far...Love how she made a list of why she thinks Booth loves her, why she (knows) she loves him...just what is she going to do about it because it sure does look like Seeley Booth will not be brave enough to make a move on her...

Looking forward to more...

10/5/2008 c7 18celtic33
I enjoyed it.

and I don't understand why people read and not review. I had a multi-chapter story with over 10,0 hits and close to 50 alerts but only 38 total reviews for like 14 chapters. It was very frustrating.
10/4/2008 c7 i3parker
oh that was so sweet. i am such a sap it made me cry. u should definitely make a sequel. and parker should be in it. i absolutely love all fics with parker. i eat them up. and i u do have parker u'll be sure to have tons of reviews from me.
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