Just In
for The File Without Murder

9/20/2008 c6 4Zeddie7
This is a great story! Please update soon!

9/20/2008 c6 sanityisgone
luv the new chapter and that's okay I think school's hell on everyone
9/2/2008 c5 43Monisse
Humm.. warm feelings all over me! You did an excelent job with their interaction in this little date. I really enjoyed it.

Wired2damoon such a lovely, romantic and extraordinary love scene! Very well writen and it has a good timing.

Great job, both of you.
9/1/2008 c5 6Light My Words
I really liked it. Both parts, update soon. :)
8/26/2008 c4 18castle4beckett
update soon... please!
8/26/2008 c4 2ClarksonHammondAndMay
omg plz i wont b able 2 wait :P good job :P
8/25/2008 c4 39Aloemilk
Oh, c'mon!

post soon and let them kiss once and for all!

I'm enjoying this :)
8/25/2008 c4 6Light My Words
LOL. I loved it I really did. :)
8/25/2008 c4 7Pheonixsong07
i love how they fumble around each's so cute
7/30/2008 c3 0ele0
This was really fun to read..please update soon!
7/24/2008 c3 1Unleashed Gummy Sweets
I love Angela!
7/24/2008 c2 Unleashed Gummy Sweets
O! I think I know what's going on and I like it!
7/24/2008 c1 Unleashed Gummy Sweets
I forgot to eat breakfast, I had a roast dinner instead. Oh, btw, this is pure gold!
7/23/2008 c3 9WellxWisher
Here is a slice of heaven then! Love where this story is going; can't wait for the "not-date" and for Brennan to read the file poor Angela nearly killed herself not squealing over :)
7/23/2008 c3 BBfan
again a great chappy. Thanks a lot girl! But don't leave us hanging there for too long! I am dying to read his letter! PLEASE
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