Just In
for Mea Culpa

9/21/2012 c9 2inklover93
I love this story! I read it all the time and check it even more often to see if you are going to write the rest of it from his POV. This was a great stopping point but you did such a great job I can't help but hope you keep going.:)
2/21/2012 c9 ravencatherine
I don't normally write reviews of this sort, however this particular one really struck a chord with me. I am a huge fan of Sherwood Smith - and I think you captured the essence of her style perfectly. You have a huge amount of talent, your writing - I felt - was totally believable through all chapters, an even the characters or scenes you included, added something to the narrative rather than taking away. Now, you wrote this some time ago and I don't even know of you'll check this site again to read this, however I couldn't read this without expressing my appreciation - thankyou for writing and publishing this so that we can enjoy it!

6/15/2010 c9 wsxokn
I love this! I really enjoy reading your Danric views.
4/18/2010 c9 JuanseyLio
I really hope you finish this cause I'm hooked ; )
3/28/2010 c9 3
I really enjoy your portrayal of Vidanric! I would love to see how you portray Russav in situations not not shown in the novel and Vidanric through the rest of the novel! I wish you would come back to this fic!
3/16/2010 c8 11soprano-in-waiting
Once again, I applaud your efforts to get into his head. I love the little hints of humor that sneak in. I don't think that they would't have had a fire. It would most likely have been glow sticks. I could also be wrong, it's been a while since I read the book. Keep up the good work!
3/15/2010 c3 soprano-in-waiting
I like it. There are minor grammatical and spelling errors, but it flows pretty well, and I like how you flesh out what Smith gave the reader concerning Danric in Crown Duel. Nice Job!
1/7/2010 c9 71grey-eyed-goddess
Seeing as this was only a few months ago I'll hold out hope.
12/23/2009 c9 lablondie
I know it's been quite awhile since you updated, but I just started this this morning and finished now. I absolutely love it and hope you do continue, following through with all of Crown Duel instead of going onto Court Duel, but that's just my preference.

Thanks for letting me read.
10/29/2009 c9 vindanricandme
Please continue! I quite enjoy this story although there are many spelling mistakes. They can be overlooked, but I wish you would continue with this fic.
9/28/2009 c9 Billy Bob Bo Jangles
This is really awesome stuff.
8/10/2009 c9 IndustriousLoveBeauty
That was amazing, I loved all of Vidanric's thoughts, they were so realistic and in character. i really hope you finish Crown Duel but I'm eager for Court Duel as well, enjoy your vacation!
8/10/2009 c9 6Saint Artemis
great job on this chapter, I really liked the ending there. you are doing the charaters justice. I've read several attmpts at the danric version of CD but so far this is the best I've read so far! little gramical errors. Keep it up update soon please!

8/9/2009 c9 11HRHPrincessTricia
I loved this chapter! And I think you should go on with whatever point you are more comfortable with. I like your idea with a minor modification, that it would touch briefly on when they were fighting galdran and Danric killed him. I would like to see not so much the battle as the before and after. Please update as soon as you can?
8/9/2009 c9 12sssweetie
I think this latest chapter was very well done. I understand the whole "family time" thing. My mom makes me do that too! =)

I like your crown duel vidanric's pov, but I understand your interest in starting court duel in his pov. I think this is a good ending for crown duel but I wouldn't mind reading more =P

I hope you have fun traveling!
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