Just In
for An Idiot's Guide to Love

9/25/2008 c1 5itsjustmeoverhere
i cant stop might have something to do with it being 2:26 in the morning, but yeah...i like this story so far! the whole transferring thing i found hilarious. lol.
8/28/2008 c1 ilovemusic123
plz plz plz update!
8/24/2008 c3 4Peachie-Trishie
o i love it i always laugh when shane does something stupid or something hope you make the next chapter soon!
8/19/2008 c3 7vOllEybAllObsEssEd
luv it! continue please!
8/14/2008 c3 dingsong
This is hilarious! great job! please update soon! oh, and i loved the skunk bitXD
8/7/2008 c3 zebrasdancing
very funny. shane...shane...shane. it is not working. sorry!
8/4/2008 c3 9Camp Rockians
lol.. skunk...
8/3/2008 c3 2brookayy228
Considering it was 3 am when i read this.

I found Jason eatting An encyclopedia insanely funny =)
8/2/2008 c3 2xLove-Me-Rockstarx
nice update soon!
8/2/2008 c3 2x-X-x-Donna-x-X-x
hi, lol great story.

cant wait to read more.

8/1/2008 c3 5Dazzle Me Again
"Yes, of course little child! How can I help you?" Lol. I loved that part :P Awesome chapter! Please, please update soon! *makes puppy face*
8/1/2008 c3 1Angie-ange
oh boy that is not good
8/1/2008 c3 2insouciance18
LOL! Shaney got sprayed by a skunk! update soon!
8/1/2008 c3 12Athenian Grace


this is so hilarious
8/1/2008 c3 6Sachi Hanako

That was great.

Poor Shane, nothing seems to be going right for him. xD

Cant' wait to read the next chapter. I literally laughed my head off when Jase said he ate an encyclopedia. "Holy Shit" is right. xD
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