Just In
for Let's Spend an Evil Night Together

8/7/2008 c1 7PhoenixAZ
"You lied to me through song! How could you?"
8/3/2008 c1 9Siathryn
This is great. Brillant even. I can now wish this is how it really ended.
7/18/2008 c1 19shego219
Genius! This is perfect!
7/17/2008 c1 36Madripoor Rose
You so rock. Penny is Bad Horse, isn't she? Heh.
7/17/2008 c1 62always krissy
Yes, yes! This is the perfect fanfic. Exactly what I was thinking, that she's really evil.
7/15/2008 c1 15TrudiRose
LOL! This was very funny. It certainly WOULD be an unexpected twist if Penny turns out to be evil. (Either way, I do hope she and the doc end up together, because that "laundry" song is the single sweetest thing I've EVER seen in my entire life!) Anyway, great little one-shot!
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