Just In
for What I Did For Love!

8/28/2008 c4 lander828
Great plot set up! I think Ranger will cave before Steph. He wants to be a pain about rules, she should remind him about sexual harassment. Two can play his game...update soon.
8/28/2008 c4 Howlingatdmoon
Ah, you had my stomach in knots in that last scene. Those two are so stubborn and blind. They are made for each other. But there is such thing as too little, too late, and i hope that Steph and Ranger don't have to find that out the hard way. I am really enjoying reading this and the only thing I am not looking forward to is poor Morelli's heart being broken if things don't work out with Stephanie. Please, be good to him. I am a Babe, but you made Morelli so much better than he is that I am starting to like him in this story. Good Job. Please write fast. You left us wondering what will happen next.
8/27/2008 c4 utprincess16
I just found this story and I couldn't stop reading it! Can't wait for the next update!
8/27/2008 c4 1myminorobsession
I loved the cheerleading pom pom twirling hormones! LMAO. Ranger is being such a prat! So, if Ranger has moved to Miami is Stephanie still banished to the 'Research Department'? Sensational update, as always! Waiting on more, please? Cheers,
8/27/2008 c4 27jerseygirlinoxford
Another good chapter! I think it was Joyce Barnhardt that said that men are all ego and scrotum...hhm. I'd have to agree on that one! Looking forward to more. Sue
8/27/2008 c4 wyominggal
Oh my gosh-this is incredible! I have already read this chapter four times. I think I really like the vindictive Ranger and the argument was so realistic! Hope there is more soon.
8/27/2008 c4 blessedbabe
OMG! I love this ending to this chapter! Ranger is the bomb! I can't wait to see what happens...whatever it is...I hope it is a babe ending! I think they will go after Ranger & Steph will try to save him at the expense of her relationship with Joe. Joe will realize the connection between her & Ranger & because of his love for Steph will help get Ranger off the hook so that she can be happy with him. Am I right? Even if I'm not right...I can't wait to see what happens next!
8/27/2008 c4 JiggyT
That was so sad! But really great writing, I so can't wait to see what happens next, When is the next update?
8/27/2008 c4 12star7
I loved this chapter. It was funny and sad at the time. I hope Ranger comes to his senses and tries to win Steph back soon. Thanks for the update!
8/27/2008 c4 18dee768nj
Dammit, babe! You've got me all knotted up inside! Damn Ranger, anyway! He's the world's biggest a$$hole! Good riddance. Now please make him repent and come back! Great story, babe!

8/27/2008 c4 Laura Smith
Oh, Stacye, Stacye, Stacye. You're breaking my heart here, girl.
8/27/2008 c4 Forever Babe
I love the story. I love your style, But you can't do this to me are you crazy?(I mean that in the best way possible) Ranger is destined to be us vicariously through Stephane. J.E. doesn't give us enough Ranger Stephanie so we are depending on you to make this a Babe not a cupcake.
8/27/2008 c4 BabeManoso
Great story Stayce! Please don't let her accept Joe's proposal.

I love the 'angry' Ranger, but he needs to get his head out of his ass, and go after Steph. Will they find one shred of evidence on Ranger to haul him on Murder 1? Do tell...I hope to see the next chapter on Tuesday! Great always.

8/27/2008 c4 26jinnu357
Good Grief... where's the antacids? This is bad... this worse than worse... this is just an abomination... you actually made me hate Ranger! How could he be so childish! He loves Stephanie! I know it's going to be HEA but I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of suffering in between! As always you're absolutely fantastic babe. I can't wait for more!
8/27/2008 c4 1cowcell
I may have some of the answers, but with you writing it, one never knows where it will go. Love it. Oh and Ranger can be such an A**.
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