Just In
for What I Did For Love!

8/26/2008 c4 MOFive
Stayce! I thought you said this was going to be a light & fluffy story. I'm feeling anything but light & have a freakin lump the size of Texas in my throat. I don't know what's going to happen w/Abruzzi, I'm more worried about what's happening between Ranger & Steph. It's wonderful writing, though-as always. I hope you can fix this...and please have her tell Joe "no."

Beth C.
8/26/2008 c4 16She'sGotHighHopes
Christ, Stayce! You sure know how to make Ranger an a$$hole! I can't believe how childish and cruel he was behaving! He was foolish to think Steph would just sit by and pine for his return while he spent two weeks in Miami and didn't even bother to call her. And he had a lot of nerve to get so mad about Joe. I never thought he would hold her to her contract at Rangeman and then be so cruel as to isolate her from the others and goad her afterwards. He practically pushed her into moving in with Morelli. Why would she wait for him and want him back when Morelli is the one who is so good to her?

God, I don't even want to imagine what could happen with the Abruzzi investigation being opened back up. Even though Ranger has been a horrible, spiteful bastard, I'd hate to see him go to prison for protecting Steph. And even though Morelli is being so damn sweet, I'd hate to see Steph accept his proposal and then lead him on. Hell, as long as you're writing it, I don't care what happens. But NO KILLING RANGER! And I'll make you a plate of virtual cyber brownies if you make Ranger feel like garbage for his treatment of Steph and then beg her for forgiveness. LOL. Hopefully, bribery works on you ;)

Thanks so much for updating. You've ripped my heart out and made me despise the man I love almost as much as my husband. Now I'm gonna have to find some happy to read so I won't have nightmares.

8/26/2008 c4 7Steph3
I loved this chapter. I enjoy the little fighting-ish stuff going on between Steph and Ranger. But I am wondering about him moving to Miami. Obviously, you've promised a Babe HEA so he has to come back to Trenton... and I'm not sure about Joe. This is interesting. I enjoy it and can't wait for the next chapter!
8/17/2008 c3 2woody8330
ranger should come sweep her away
8/17/2008 c3 11jnharrow
Hate to say it, since I'm a babe, but Joe's the one acting like a decent guy. Ranger's offering her nothing. I hope he steps up to the plate. But it's a little sad that Steph and Joe are doing so well and it's likely that Ranger's return is going to mess them up. I liked Joe for standing up to Grandma Bella.
8/17/2008 c2 jnharrow
Poor no-so-deprived anymore Steph! She can't blame herself too much for falling all over Ranger though. How could anyone resist?

Very scummy way to highlight his point about not offering anything more to her. If that's what he did by leaving. Maybe he got called away, but it seems awfully convenient.
8/17/2008 c1 jnharrow
That's great that Steph is going to get a cut of future payouts for the police betting pool. She deserves it.

I love this line: “I don't have a lot of domestic instincts,” Ranger said to me, his attention fixed on another drop of water that slid down between my breasts, "but I have a real strong urge to take you home and thaw you out.”

and Vinnie: He’s so …” he waved his hand after Ranger, “and you’re just kinda …” he looked me up and down and curled his lip.
8/16/2008 c3 1myminorobsession
That was a fabulous cupcake-ness of Joe and Steph. I totally enjoyed seeing them making a go of it, the pair of them grown up about their lives and their relationship. It's nice seeing Joe in this light, but... now what? ARGH! LOL that she knew the mouth and melted! *sigh* Stayce this is a love story right? Not angst! Dammit, hurry up and update :) I love your writing!
8/16/2008 c2 myminorobsession
$h!t Stayce. After that totally awesome... I was so freakin' happy that he stayed! and stayed and stayed and then you went and put Tank in his office. DAMMIT STAYCE! You're going to kill me. But I'm completely loving it. Tank gets a prize for his realization and Ranger gets a slap in the face when I see him! :) Kinda got me with the emotions hon! Love the feral narrowing of Ranger's eyes. Perfect!
8/16/2008 c1 myminorobsession
I'm doing a happy dance that you are writing another story! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this time. Once again, a sensational Plum start! YAY! Thanks Stayce :) And thanks to the lecturing Cupcake for inspiring another Stayce story too!
8/16/2008 c1 Marlene
Just finished reading the chapters and I really liked it. I love your humor in the story. Love the heat too. Looking forward to the next chapters. Thanks for sharing.
8/16/2008 c3 7redlamps
Finally got a chance to catch up with this story. Loved it so far and can't wait for more! Deb;)
8/16/2008 c3 sacchi
Wow! I wasn't expecting the getting-back-together-with-Joe part. Nice chapter. I'm enjoying this story. It's a nice break from the angst, with going on to keep it interesting. :)

Of course she should end up with Ranger, but if it takes you a while to get her there, that's okay. ;)

- Sarah
8/16/2008 c3 FSD
Jeez! I love your stories! So excited that you have started another. What will Steph do now? When will we know? More, please.
8/15/2008 c3 reaganshanelle
I was told about this story from Linnbabe13 and I had to find it.

I really love it so far and can't wait for more!

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