Just In
for What I Did For Love!

8/12/2008 c3 19Anarchist278
Yay its my favourite time of the week, new chapter time and what a chaptand er it was. I have to admit I like the Steph you've written in this story, she's still our Steph but she's finally got some confidence in herself. Now just between you and me I never thought I'd say this but I'm not even minding Morelli (promise me you won't tell anyone I said that) lol. But even as I was reading all of the nice little relationship moments between Joe and Steph I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat because I knew that meant Ranger would be coming back soon and what a way to re-enter Steph's life. The problem now is just how she'll welcome him back. I can't see her automatically just dumping Joe when things have actually been working with them lately but I'm not sure that she'll actually be able to resist Ranger (what woman in their right mind could). I'm on tenterhooks to see where you take the next chapter. Don't keep me waiting too long or I run the risk of hyperventilating. lol.

Love your work as always babe.

Ange x
8/12/2008 c3 Laura Smith
Another great chapter, Stacye. Too funny.
8/12/2008 c3 katbaby
As always, love your updates. This one took me by surprise. I loved all the information about what steph is up to, improving on her job, etc. nice change for steph looking for her skips.

she and joe... LOVE how you wrote him. =) what can I say? i have a soft spot for him. like how you described him as having grown, too. my favorite part is they conversation happened not just at one time. LOL about the duck situation and running into joe and bob. nicely done. steph's reaction to him asking her on a date was perfect. fireflies - i think that conversation was my favorite in this chapter. the growth you then gave the two of them as a couple was great. this part, steph, joe, and the two of them as a couple different than previous was nice to read.

ranger's back. wow. my mind started going a dozen different directions, my stomach clenched, my heart started beating hard, and the thought flew through my mind "where's she going to take us in the next chapter?" loving the story. can't wait to read more. really enjoying the "flavor" of this story written in steph's POV.

you rock!
8/12/2008 c3 1Stephannie1014
Oh Crap... why do you ask us such questions? And how the hell am I to answer them? It's YOUR story... just rock our socks off and we'll be happy as shit. Because if I were to answer them with MHO... then Morelli can go fuck a duck and she'd move in with Ranger and have his love children... LMAO! But that's just me... and I love the stories you write way better then anything my little pea-brain could ever come up with.

8/12/2008 c3 irene
Omigod I LOVED it! It was fantastic! But I think you should make the time that Joe and Steph are together a little bit shorter 'cause your making them way to old! PLEASE write the rest of the story as soon as you can! Anyway I think that she should have a huge fight with morelli! Like mabye he can cheat on her! Like really badly! And ranger's there to save her! Again your fabulous and please fiish it soon! THANX!
8/12/2008 c3 16She'sGotHighHopes
Oh Lordy! I certainly hope that Ranger didn't expect Steph to sit back and pine for him for all those months that he was gone WITHOUT TELLING HER GOODBYE! You know I'm a Rangerphile, but I really like how Joe is behaving in this story. Hell, he even stood up to Grandma Bella when she started in on Steph! It's a miracle! I have a feeling that Ranger's gonna be kicking himself when he finds out how well Steph and Joe are getting along in their relationship. Or I could be completely wrong. Who knows. Well, YOU know, I think. LOL.

Thanks for the awesome update!

8/12/2008 c3 21Alfonsina.d
you are plain evil...quick go do some more!

8/12/2008 c3 parisnight
to me, it seems like joe and steph and steph are becoming really good friends. i think that ranger and steph will end up together, but thats just me
8/12/2008 c3 18dee768nj
Oh, crap, now you're making me like Joe, and I'd really rather hate him! All I can think of is, stupid, stupid Steph! Yeah, maybe she doesn't have a relationship with Ranger, YET, but he was clearly telling her something by spending the weekend with her before he left. Of course he has to get his head out of his a$$ and actually TALK to her. Loved it, babe! -Dee
8/12/2008 c3 Night script
Today is Ranger's birthday! Yeah! lol...

Nway... I think Stephanie should ask Joe to be friends... but before that she should talk to Ranger and ask him what type of relationship they are going to have... If they are only 'fuck buddies' or something more... Ranger of course will be pissed that she is trying to date Joe... lol... but I hope he understands that he never told Stephanie what type of relationship he wants to have with her and that she has the right to date anyone else (which I hope she doesn't now that Ranger is back)...
8/12/2008 c3 VetsWife
Well, this is a little messy isn't it? But what would a Stayce story be without that damned tension? I don't think Ranger will be too surprised to hear she's back with Morelli, after all what did he expect, he just left without even telling her and then was gone for months without a word. But, I know you and I know that if I'm patient enough (after weeks of angst) I will get my R/S HEA!

Happy Birthday Ranger!

8/12/2008 c3 1BlessedBabe
I think Ranger is not going to take her relationship with Joe well at all. When he told her he was staying until breakfast & then stayed 24 hours past is a huge deal coming from Ranger. He shows his feelings with actions. He spent his last 2 days before his mission with Steph. I think he is going to be hurt when he finds out that she is with Joe again. But, I am a babe at heart. I want her to be with Ranger. I appreciate Joe's effort and if Ranger cannot offer her a committed relationship, then she should stick with Joe. I can't wait to see what happens next! I hope Ranger comes to his senses and fights for her...she deserves it.
8/12/2008 c3 7Steph3
This is fantastic, although I must admit that I'm surprised that she hooked up with Joe again. I'd like her to hook up with Ranger, but he can't have expected her to wait however long. Or maybe he did... Anyway, I love the shooting of the toilet. One last thing, several years ago my friends definitely used "feeding the ducks" as an euphemism. It cracked me up to see it here! Great job!
8/12/2008 c3 anon
Yuck! I could have skipped that chapter! Get back to the good stuff. Give us more Ranger!
8/12/2008 c3 7DimariS
Good story. It has some wonderful comedic moments and really kept it very close to JE's style. I hope Ranger can help Steph learn the difference between love and hormones. JE never really gives either of them a chance to do that.

I'm looking forward to your next chapter. Di
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