Just In
for What I Did For Love!

7/30/2008 c1 24Harmne
Damn phones! Wonderful beginning to the story - poor Steph as a human popscicle! I hope she doesn't get pneumonia!
7/30/2008 c2 25The Yank and The Brit
He could have said something to her, just to warn her that he was being called away. But you had her going into that weekend with her eyes wide open, so no, she shouldn't leave RangeMan. She should carry on with her life. Great chapter, Stayce.
7/29/2008 c2 Night script
She should be angry at herself... she shouldn't quit RangeMan... she likes it there right... and she shouldn't get a new boyfriend... she still loves Ranger...

Just next time she should make sure she does something before she becomes horny again and let lust override her common sense... lol...

I love this chap... even if Ranger did it again...
7/29/2008 c2 2spudmama08
Stayce, Great update, but it's got me all ticked off! I think Steph needs to find Ranger and kick his rotten ass! Geez, couldn't he have TOLD her he was going to be "in the wind"? Then, after she kicks his ass, she can explain the wrongness of his actions, and then have her dirty way with him. Ok, so he did tell her he couldn't offer her anything more, but what's with not saying Goodbye? Good thing he's so hot, or I might have to just start not liking him! I sure hope you update soon-I'd hate to spend too long pissed at my favorite MIB! Thanks for sharing!
7/29/2008 c2 Sarah
I have been waiting for another chapter from you. they are great! I love stories like this for some reason. :) But im sure tht whatever you decide to do would be great. but i like the senerio that she gets mad at herself, and does the chalk it up to whatever. live and learn. and when he gets bakc treat him like normal like nother ever happened at all. shes not the same to him, more polite than nice. cuz everyone knows that there is a difference. i also like the stories that he comes back and she either preggers or has already had the baby (depending on the timeline). and thats shes moved on and doesnt need him to raise the kid or even has a boyfriend type thing (but im a Babe).

Cant wait for the next chapter!

Sarah J
7/29/2008 c2 13MiamiBabe
LOL...It's a miracle Steph didn't self-combust with those deprived Hungarian hormones. And what a way to finally have them satisfied *sighs* she was one lucky girl. Talk about HOT! HOT! HOT! I want me some CSG lovin :) As for being mad at Ranger, I don't think she should be because he was very clear before they started. Having said that, I can see how she could feel a bit hurt because he could have mentioned he was leaving, as a friend if nothing else.

But in the meantime, I think that she should take the experience for what it was, and go on with life. Not necessarily desperately seeking for a boyfriend, but certainly living life like a healthy 30 year old single woman would.

As for quiting RangeMan, I'm really sure. My gut says no, but well I guess I can see both sides of that particular argument.

Thanks for the yummy treat babe!



p.s. I'm still holding out hope that you're going to redeem Ranger and there's a good reason for his suddenly leaving.
7/29/2008 c2 amanda
I think steph should try to move on and find a new boyfriend. Then when ranger comes back from begin "in the wind" he should get jealous or something like that. Steph should confront ranger about it when he comes back though.
7/29/2008 c2 18dee768nj
Oh, crap, I knew it was too good to be true. And he did warn her, but not enough! She should be pissed, because he could have at least told her he was leaving. Great chapter, babe. Please hurry with more. -Dee
7/29/2008 c2 czechchickkate
I laughed out loud at the part about the tread mill! You write her inner dialogue so well:) I don't have any specific requests for where this story should go, but please, please, please keep her at RangeMan with all those tasty MM! You descriptions of the MM will hold me over until you have Ranger return:).

Keep going!

7/29/2008 c2 1cowcell
I would at this time like to thank Lucy for this very fine story and especially this chapt. Lucy, I hope you keep on inspiring the babes to write stories as good as this one is. I think your a cupcake with a babe heart. Way to go!

Stayce, as always your the best babe, Love this so far very funny stuff and then right into the good stuff, yum. Thanks for the discriptive visuals I now have.

Love ya always

7/29/2008 c2 13cinbru
Heck yeah she should be angry! ANGRY! That rat bastard could have at least told her. Leave it to you to stick it to us with angst, you little sneak. Tell me he's not going to be gone to long?
7/29/2008 c2 16She'sGotHighHopes
Wow, he at least should have told her he was going to be gone. That was a crappy thing for him to do, no matter what little he could offer her. Ranger truly has no common sense when it comes to women. I was wondering for a while what the hell was going on with Ranger's attitude since Steph started RangeMan. All I could think of was "Did Joe blackmail Ranger with the whole Abruzzi thing to keep him away from Steph?" In which case, I would wish the most horrendous, painful death for Morelli and hope that his most precious extremities would shrivel and fall off before he took his last breath. I hope that Steph doesn't sit in a funk and pine for Ranger. It would serve him right if he thought that she had found someone else. And not Morelli, 'cause Ranger would never be that worried over Morelli.

Thanks for the update. It was terrific, just like all of your updates.

7/29/2008 c2 27jerseygirlinoxford
Great second chapter. Maybe Steph should explore other ways to give Sam a break. As in your other stories, you are good when it comes to Steph making Ranger jealous. Can't wait for chapter 3. Hope things are getting back to normal for you. Sue
7/29/2008 c2 19Anarchist278
Um the only word I can think of to say after reading that chapter is WOW. You definitely turned up the heat in that one hon and believe me I loved every second of it. But even with all that wonderful smut you still managed to give a great dose of humour and pure PLUM to that chapter and it was fantastic.

Now as for what Steph should do well I guess he did kind of tell her just what it was she was letting herself in for when she invited him in but at the same time, surely it wouldn't have been that hard for him to make one brief phone call to let her know he was going. I only hope there was a reason that he was unable to make a call such as that because otherwise I think she's definitely justified in being pissed.

Can't wait to read more hon. Update soon.

Ange x
7/29/2008 c2 Howlingatdmoon
He did warn her didn't he? Of course Steph lives in denial-land. Bringing in some competition might make things iteresting. Great job raising up the heat.
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