Just In
for What I Did For Love!

8/10/2021 c35 24Harmne
OMG, I think I like the Sea Witch better than any place they could have found in DC... And FINALLY!
8/10/2021 c34 Harmne
8/10/2021 c31 Harmne
I can't remember if I read this before, but I have to pause long enough to tell you that this story keeps making me smile like a moron as I'm reading. I LOVE this story!
6/16/2021 c39 Guidittaponcetta
Although it's been some time, it's hoped you'll finish this story!
3/26/2021 c39 Brooke Sabens Guenther
Ok, I was hooked. Like, stayed up reading on a work night until 4am without realizing it hooked. I'd like to see Steph and Ranger solidify their relationship even more and continue to do so. No question they have an amazing, deep love. I'd like serious commitment from Ranger. I'd like to also see Joe to feel like absolute shit in some way.
3/15/2021 c39 ladyjade01
Please come back and finish this story.
3/9/2021 c39 Guest
So much of Stephanie Plum over drama in the last chapter...she's a stupid dumb bitch
2/2/2021 c1 Go1dy
I’ve come back and read this story so many times and I get So involved in it I forget it’s not finished and the last page. Really hope you come back and finish it one day you are such a talented writer
12/30/2020 c39 38Whiskeybabe511
I would love to see this story finished. I hope you come back and finish it this is one of my favorite stories and this is awesome writing
5/25/2020 c39 Danni73
I know I’m late to the party but can you please complete the story. It’s a lot to read and get all involved in just to get left hanging with no ending it know it’s been years since you wrote this but maybe your muse has return and kicked writers block ass.
1/17/2020 c31 Maddiedog
You may never read this as your story was published eons ago, but I just had to share how amazing it is. I absolutely love every moment I have spent reading this story. It makes me thankful for the many talented writers who generously devote their time to develop the craft. You are an incredible writer! You are the reason why I can enjoy hours of pleasure reading.
I have shared my love of this forum and the respect I have for the writers with so many people. I have been a fan for more than a decade. Rereading the stories just reinforces the sense of awe.
Thank you so very much.
12/28/2019 c39 TriniBabe
I would like to see Stephanie kick Morelli's ass, please, please, please. Hope you finish
12/15/2019 c39 4SilverMidas
loving this story. can't wait for the ending
11/27/2019 c39 BarbW2525
I just found this story. I hope you come back for one more chapter to tie it all together. I hate to see an undone atory. Please go ish it.
10/10/2019 c34 Guest
You are such a fantastic writer. You describe things so well I can really visualize what’s going on, without being too wordy. That being said, I just can’t get behind this story. I’m a total babe but this version of Ranger is just controlling, manipulative, and frankly rapey. Stephanie needs to grow a back bone. Ranger may be hot but she deserves better.
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