Just In
for Unknown Dangers

7/22/2008 c5 eeb bee loves to read
hey im falling in love with this story just like the other one. i cant wait for the next chapter and wait...wat do you mean Jeff cant be contacted he is so gonna be mad.

sorry i forgot to review on the last chapter but i loved the brotherly love.

Update soon please.
7/22/2008 c5 SherryBird
Can't help but feeling that Scoot and Virgil should be a little more cautious. Good chapter and I can barely wait for the next one!
7/22/2008 c5 27princessezzy
Soz i haven't reviewed in a while, i had a forced break from ff and when i got back i saw you had updated many times over and huzzah to that!

Alan really is truly adorable, i just wanna hug him, Scott doesn't realize how lucky he is!

i like how you've managed to keep all their personalities continuous from your last story whilst factoring in the age difference nicely, it works really well!
7/22/2008 c5 151Fiona12690
Why are you torturing me? I love this story and you should put the next chapter up now! Not tomorrow _ Wah I want more now... wow I sound like a spoiled brat... Oh well waiting for the next!

7/22/2008 c5 8Lampala
Great chapter! I hope Allie will be okay. Aw, he has a teddy called Cocoa. Please update soon! I love this story!
7/22/2008 c5 72criminally charmed
I am going under the presumption that Virgil will greatly improve as a medic in the years to come...Of course, the sharp pain in his lower right flank would send the would be doc in another direction all together.

SO why can't they reach Jeff? Someone who doesn't think the call from the kids is important enough to interupt a business meeting? Jeff would kill them. Figuratively, of course.

Good churning up the brother love and agnst is sure to increase. And hi to Michael!
7/22/2008 c5 14lissysue85
That was the cutest chapter so far. Little Alan made me want to cry. The game of rock, paper, laser rifles was funny though. I love how much Alan trusts Scott but Virgil is going to blame himself when he realizes he made the wrong diagnosis. That was brill keep it up. love ya and cant wait for the next chapter
7/22/2008 c5 1Van York

mhm, your knack for brotherly love is amazing(:

ahaha, can't wait to see poor Alan really sick!
7/22/2008 c4 53Kat12739

Although I wonder how sick he will get before he tells someone.

Great chapter- loved Gordy's choice of Finding Nemo, and torture on Virgil was just brill.

Hope you feel better soon. :)

7/21/2008 c4 4Lunaretta
This is another great chapter! Sorry if my reviews have been kinda boring lately. Your fics are great!

7/21/2008 c4 10Angel Spirit
Hehe, unlike the other fic that I found that was almost finished, this one I have to wait for updates...LOL! ^-~v I'm loving this chapter and all the brotherly love that just flowed through it, it was hilarious how you brought up Finding Nemo and the tickle argument between Gordon and Virgil-that was really cute actually, kudo's to you on that. And poor make me want to give him a big hug...*sniffles* While I *hate* that you're sick and not feeling well yourself, I definitely look forward to the earlier updates...^-^
7/21/2008 c1 Pony Girl-Sakura
i love both stories i hope you keep writing them
7/21/2008 c4 72criminally charmed
Alan, Alan, are not supposed to hide illness. If you think your brothers would feel bad if you were sick, imagine how they will feel rushing you to the hospital in the middle of the night and having to tell your father that you may not make it?

See - I remember the last story!

Hope you feel better but write more.
7/21/2008 c4 151Fiona12690
I loved it aw you're torturing me and poor Alan! I want another chapter later on tonight and Alan wants the pain to go away, but it won't. Poor Alan, but I love the Alan torture just a bit. We need more very soon! UPDATE NOW!

7/21/2008 c4 8Lampala
Aw, poor Aliie. I want to go and give him a big hug, bless him. I always want to go and hug people when they cry, well, mainly my favourite boys from tv shows, but still. I can't wait till the next chapter. Please update soon.
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