Just In
for Finding Home

10/26/2009 c14 1Mistress Dercaros
you are an amazing author and this story is the only hellboy stry i ever bother with. I have comeback and read thhis story over and over i love it. Any f your storyies i have read ive loved. Your great please update soon.
9/26/2009 c14 NightmareAhead
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please continue this! I love it so very very much and I want to know what happens! I want to know what's up with the bite. I want to know what happens with Glen. I want to know what happens about Manning wanting Bethany to leave. I want to know if HB and Bethany live happily ever after. I want to know it all!
3/3/2009 c11 Jen
Great chapter! Made my day to come on and see a new one :D

I'm dying to see where you're going with this, can't wait for more, more, more.
2/27/2009 c1 Jen
Just read the entire thing from start to finish- was sorry there wasn't another 200 pages! Really great story, the characters are easy to get attached too, and the dialogue is fantastic!

I'll be coming back often to check for updates!
12/28/2008 c8 8Minuialeth
*fans herself* That was... Yeah. Ahem. *grins*

Update soon? Please?
12/28/2008 c7 Minuialeth
I really, really liked how you related the missions Bethany and Red went to using flashbacks. The non-linear telling keeps the reader interested :-)
12/28/2008 c6 Minuialeth
I'm glad that Bethany and Davis finally got around to understand each other.

I like how you make Bethany and Red's relationship progress.

And now I'm hungry for some lasagnas.
12/28/2008 c5 Minuialeth
Glen is an ass but it was obvious since that scene in the restaurant.

I quite like where this story is headed :-)
12/28/2008 c4 Minuialeth
You're good at writing action and you're also good at writing romantic stuff, I'm jealous.

“I dunno, same way I manage to be so good-looking and so humble at the same time I guess.”

LOL, that's so Red!
12/28/2008 c3 Minuialeth
That's really very good, esp. Bethany (like the Lil Bit nickname) defeating (almost) 2 dragons while being frightened the whole time and having the impression to muck things up. That made it all the more realistic.

I really like how she and HB interact. Loved the bit with HB's tail around her waist. Very cute.
12/28/2008 c2 Minuialeth
This is more and more interesting and Bethany is still a nice OC and not an horrible Mary Sue :-)

The funny thing is, I live near Rouen!

The spelling of the creature you are talking about wouldn't be "gargouille", btw?
12/28/2008 c1 Minuialeth
“Fabulous. If any majorly threatening books show up I can leaf them into submission.”

ROTF, very funny.

Very interesting first chapter. For now, as far as I'm concerned, Bethany shows no signs of the dreaded Mary Sue.
9/16/2008 c6 5Rish-Chan
wow this is by far the best one I have read your very talented and you set the mood of the scenes just right good job! I cant wait to see whats next! :D
9/12/2008 c6 xXPrettyDisturbedXx
wow plz update soon I love this story!
9/10/2008 c6 2simplexcontradiction
I just found this story today, and from the first chanpter I was hooked. I love the relationship you're building between Hellboy and Bethany.

I can't wait for the next chapter.
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