12/29/2008 c24
OH MY GOD...that was so good...very good...FUnny, sad, sweet all ranges of emotion. I really liked it!

OH MY GOD...that was so good...very good...FUnny, sad, sweet all ranges of emotion. I really liked it!
9/19/2007 c24 Hikitsulover-818
i love the whole story its GREAT and sorry 4 not reviewing 4 all the other chapters ( i wanted 2 but i wanted 2 finish reading the entire story )
i love the whole story its GREAT and sorry 4 not reviewing 4 all the other chapters ( i wanted 2 but i wanted 2 finish reading the entire story )
9/5/2007 c22 Polydorus
Hello Ron and his Sakura,
having read nearly all of the 60.0 Word fanfictions, I can say that this one is up there with the very best. Your writing style and choice of vocabulary impressed me a lot and made reading your fanfiction very enjoyable. Another thing I thought you did extremely well was the way you described the characters and clarified the motivations they had to do certain things. One example for this was your explanation for Allen's womanizing time (Marlene's letter), which is entirely comprehensible and just feels completely right. I savoured every bit of this brilliant story and would like to thank the both of you for the great time I had reading it. I will definitely read the other stories you wrote in the near future.
Hello Ron and his Sakura,
having read nearly all of the 60.0 Word fanfictions, I can say that this one is up there with the very best. Your writing style and choice of vocabulary impressed me a lot and made reading your fanfiction very enjoyable. Another thing I thought you did extremely well was the way you described the characters and clarified the motivations they had to do certain things. One example for this was your explanation for Allen's womanizing time (Marlene's letter), which is entirely comprehensible and just feels completely right. I savoured every bit of this brilliant story and would like to thank the both of you for the great time I had reading it. I will definitely read the other stories you wrote in the near future.
7/10/2006 c24 AmethystWings
I read this whole story and I can think of three words that come to mind...creative,beautiful, and satisfying. Job well done with this Eries/Allen fanfiction.
I read this whole story and I can think of three words that come to mind...creative,beautiful, and satisfying. Job well done with this Eries/Allen fanfiction.
3/1/2006 c22
Oh... my... God ! That was beautiful ! No, wait, it was wonderful. Much better ^^. After all they've been through, Eries and Allen indeed deserved happiness. But, God, I envy her so much !

Oh... my... God ! That was beautiful ! No, wait, it was wonderful. Much better ^^. After all they've been through, Eries and Allen indeed deserved happiness. But, God, I envy her so much !
1/2/2006 c23
I am snorking, and almost rolling around laughing, and I shouldn't be, because I should be in bed, sleeping. XD XD XD *Sticks tongue out at her father*
Tootsie pop. SNORK. Caterpillar. Double snork. I'll never be able to look at one again, after this. XD

I am snorking, and almost rolling around laughing, and I shouldn't be, because I should be in bed, sleeping. XD XD XD *Sticks tongue out at her father*
Tootsie pop. SNORK. Caterpillar. Double snork. I'll never be able to look at one again, after this. XD
1/2/2006 c22 Rad
My first thought was "Holy crap, Sid married! How old is he?" And then I tried to do the math... He's like 16 ish... right? But, he was always very mature. :) Grand choice, I'm glad for him. But, wow, seven years older? Ok, what the heck, if they're made for each other. :)
Thank you /so/ much for defining "onii-sama." I had assumed that it meant brother in the context of the sentence before (as well as onee, which I am assuming is sister?). I know little Japanese, and it always perturbed me a little that writers don't define such terms.
Cute, the possible arranged marriage between Reuben and Munison. Aw.
Aerika. *Grin* Aerika Serena Aston. That's very pretty.
AW! His speech was so ADORABLE!1 E! ^_^ ^_^
Personally, /I/ want to be informed when The D Files are updated. XD
My first thought was "Holy crap, Sid married! How old is he?" And then I tried to do the math... He's like 16 ish... right? But, he was always very mature. :) Grand choice, I'm glad for him. But, wow, seven years older? Ok, what the heck, if they're made for each other. :)
Thank you /so/ much for defining "onii-sama." I had assumed that it meant brother in the context of the sentence before (as well as onee, which I am assuming is sister?). I know little Japanese, and it always perturbed me a little that writers don't define such terms.
Cute, the possible arranged marriage between Reuben and Munison. Aw.
Aerika. *Grin* Aerika Serena Aston. That's very pretty.
AW! His speech was so ADORABLE!1 E! ^_^ ^_^
Personally, /I/ want to be informed when The D Files are updated. XD
1/2/2006 c21 Rad
I knew, knew, knew Aston was gonna let Eries marry Allen; she's gone through so much hurt, she deserves it. Though I hadn't planned on him being so nice and quick about it; I was thinking he'd probe a bit more into their relationship.
I laughed so hard when you mentioned the "shindig" that the Crusade crew had planned for Allen, and Hitomi telling van to go along and keep Allen presentable for the next day. XD XD
Apparently Millerna didn't tell Eries that the Mole Man had helped her choose her jewerly. :P
Dryden's "appearance" was well-done. Very cute. And twitters about it at the acutal wedding. XD
The Crusade crew, singing? Are you sure they're not drunk? I definently got a kick outta that one!
"Uncle Allen." And we all go "Aw!" ^_^
I liked the bit about intercourse being to promote the line of the house not matter whatever the state of the man. XD XD
Catch and improving her aim because who knows if it'll come in handy? Hah.
Allen ticklish? SNORK! XD
I didn't read the entire story, because, well, let's just say anything slightly "adult" doesn't float my boat. But I think you handled said situation well. :)
I knew, knew, knew Aston was gonna let Eries marry Allen; she's gone through so much hurt, she deserves it. Though I hadn't planned on him being so nice and quick about it; I was thinking he'd probe a bit more into their relationship.
I laughed so hard when you mentioned the "shindig" that the Crusade crew had planned for Allen, and Hitomi telling van to go along and keep Allen presentable for the next day. XD XD
Apparently Millerna didn't tell Eries that the Mole Man had helped her choose her jewerly. :P
Dryden's "appearance" was well-done. Very cute. And twitters about it at the acutal wedding. XD
The Crusade crew, singing? Are you sure they're not drunk? I definently got a kick outta that one!
"Uncle Allen." And we all go "Aw!" ^_^
I liked the bit about intercourse being to promote the line of the house not matter whatever the state of the man. XD XD
Catch and improving her aim because who knows if it'll come in handy? Hah.
Allen ticklish? SNORK! XD
I didn't read the entire story, because, well, let's just say anything slightly "adult" doesn't float my boat. But I think you handled said situation well. :)
1/2/2006 c20 Rad
Ha! I have made it 212 reviews! At the least! ^_^
To anyone who looks at the reviews and wonders if I'm crazy: Fisrt off, yes, I'm crazy. ^_^ Second, I myself am a writer and I LIVE off of reviews, which I don't get enough of. So that's why I reviewed EACH chapter of Love and Duty. So there.
Eries sites? ERIES SITES? YESH! They exist!
Aerika inspired myself as well. Grand, ain't she? :)
Wonderful soundtracks from the series, as well as the Movie. I totally need to buy Lovers Only now.
Seeing as how this is the official end, I'm going to let the grammar Nazi loose.
There are several places throughout the entire story where there aren't spaces between periods. I'm assuming this is the internet being awful when you up/down (I'm never sure which is which) load chapters, but I figured I'd add some constructive criticism and notify you. Going along with the spaces topic, there are spaces where there shouldn't be, like between quotes and the next word. Again on spaces, there aren't any after some quotes, between the quotes and the next word. It’s not a huge deal, what with the rest of the story being near-perfect grammar-wise.
The second thing I noticed was that maybe two or three times, a character was being really proper and I think there was a word skipped that woulda made the sentence make sense the first read through. This last one is probably just me, but I know that I absolutely LOVE constructive criticism, and its art seems to have been lost. 'Sides, I'm making the review longer. XD
A third thing is that when a character is thinking, you use a single quote. There were a couple of times when I thought a character was speaking out loud, only to read further that s/he was thinking; then I had to go back a reread a few sentences to get back in the right mind-set about the scene. It was a little confusing.
There was a fourth thing, but I can't for the life of me remember, so it can't have been that important. ^_^
After the criticism, I would like to give you more praise. :) THANK YOU for reminding me that there is still GREAT Escaflowne fanfiction out there. I haven't been on this good of a ride since... well, if you count /finished/ pieces, Aerika, probably. *Sigh* Great, let alone good, fanfiction is so hard to find nowadays.
I would like to take a moment and say "thank you" for the following: the story WAS NOT made up of one lines, grand punctuation/grammar/spelling (we all mess up sometimes *raises hand*), quality, little to no foul language (that, unfortunately, seems to be a big thing in fanfiction. *Sigh*) and great content.
Oh, and the background music? WONERFUL touch. One little note on that: there are a few chapters where you give reference to a soundtrack, but you don’t actually /name/ which soundtrack we should listen to.
Ha! I have made it 212 reviews! At the least! ^_^
To anyone who looks at the reviews and wonders if I'm crazy: Fisrt off, yes, I'm crazy. ^_^ Second, I myself am a writer and I LIVE off of reviews, which I don't get enough of. So that's why I reviewed EACH chapter of Love and Duty. So there.
Eries sites? ERIES SITES? YESH! They exist!
Aerika inspired myself as well. Grand, ain't she? :)
Wonderful soundtracks from the series, as well as the Movie. I totally need to buy Lovers Only now.
Seeing as how this is the official end, I'm going to let the grammar Nazi loose.
There are several places throughout the entire story where there aren't spaces between periods. I'm assuming this is the internet being awful when you up/down (I'm never sure which is which) load chapters, but I figured I'd add some constructive criticism and notify you. Going along with the spaces topic, there are spaces where there shouldn't be, like between quotes and the next word. Again on spaces, there aren't any after some quotes, between the quotes and the next word. It’s not a huge deal, what with the rest of the story being near-perfect grammar-wise.
The second thing I noticed was that maybe two or three times, a character was being really proper and I think there was a word skipped that woulda made the sentence make sense the first read through. This last one is probably just me, but I know that I absolutely LOVE constructive criticism, and its art seems to have been lost. 'Sides, I'm making the review longer. XD
A third thing is that when a character is thinking, you use a single quote. There were a couple of times when I thought a character was speaking out loud, only to read further that s/he was thinking; then I had to go back a reread a few sentences to get back in the right mind-set about the scene. It was a little confusing.
There was a fourth thing, but I can't for the life of me remember, so it can't have been that important. ^_^
After the criticism, I would like to give you more praise. :) THANK YOU for reminding me that there is still GREAT Escaflowne fanfiction out there. I haven't been on this good of a ride since... well, if you count /finished/ pieces, Aerika, probably. *Sigh* Great, let alone good, fanfiction is so hard to find nowadays.
I would like to take a moment and say "thank you" for the following: the story WAS NOT made up of one lines, grand punctuation/grammar/spelling (we all mess up sometimes *raises hand*), quality, little to no foul language (that, unfortunately, seems to be a big thing in fanfiction. *Sigh*) and great content.
Oh, and the background music? WONERFUL touch. One little note on that: there are a few chapters where you give reference to a soundtrack, but you don’t actually /name/ which soundtrack we should listen to.
1/2/2006 c19 Rad
Epilogue! Epilogue! *Chants*
Oh wait, my vote doesn't count. :( But I already know that there's the epilogue, and I don't even have to wait! XD XD
YES! I love they way Allen goes "I love you, but if you don't love me, I'll accept that." ^_^
Epilogue! Epilogue! *Chants*
Oh wait, my vote doesn't count. :( But I already know that there's the epilogue, and I don't even have to wait! XD XD
YES! I love they way Allen goes "I love you, but if you don't love me, I'll accept that." ^_^
1/2/2006 c18 Rad
Yes yes yesyes Aston, get closer to Eries. She deserves it!
Nononnono Allen is not bad! Ok, he needs to figure out his feelings and stop running, but...
Agh Allen, good cover story. XD
I forgot to mention that I enjoyed Leon telling Allen to go to Eries. Vedy good touch.
Yes yes yesyes Aston, get closer to Eries. She deserves it!
Nononnono Allen is not bad! Ok, he needs to figure out his feelings and stop running, but...
Agh Allen, good cover story. XD
I forgot to mention that I enjoyed Leon telling Allen to go to Eries. Vedy good touch.
1/2/2006 c17 Rad
"What if, what if, what if..." *Watches as all the "what if"s circl her cieling* XD
I too wondered how the heck Allen had picked such wonderful timing. Very good job, making that believable.
Sid's so cute. I think you write him well, still a kid but becoming a strong ruler too.
"What if, what if, what if..." *Watches as all the "what if"s circl her cieling* XD
I too wondered how the heck Allen had picked such wonderful timing. Very good job, making that believable.
Sid's so cute. I think you write him well, still a kid but becoming a strong ruler too.
1/2/2006 c16 Rad
I too wondered why Meiden got the geckos to capture Hitomi... That man needs a new brain. XD
I knew Allen was gonna rescue her! E!
"Love." ^_^
I too wondered why Meiden got the geckos to capture Hitomi... That man needs a new brain. XD
I knew Allen was gonna rescue her! E!
"Love." ^_^
1/2/2006 c15 Rad
Wow, you really did your homework on the ether stuff. Good job! :)
*Kicks herself and clicks the litte arrow*
Wow, you really did your homework on the ether stuff. Good job! :)
*Kicks herself and clicks the litte arrow*
1/2/2006 c14 Rad
I almost had a heart attack! I thought Hitomi was gonna bite the dust... YAY! BABY GIRL! ^_^ ^_^
Yes Eries, follow your heart.
Isn't that a song somewheres? :P
I almost had a heart attack! I thought Hitomi was gonna bite the dust... YAY! BABY GIRL! ^_^ ^_^
Yes Eries, follow your heart.
Isn't that a song somewheres? :P