Just In
for Phobia

8/1/2008 c1 52Miss Fenway
YAY! ANOTHER STORY! WHE! IT'S BEEN LIKE FOREVER! YAY! OH MAN! I'M SO HAPPY! You, my riend have just given me a little sunshine. You see, I am a Red Sox fan. *sniff* And Manny-the-Man went bye-byes. *sniff* Anyways this made me really happy. Now keep me happy and undepressed by updating super soon!:)
8/1/2008 c1 fallen.leaves19
Oh! New Story! Waho! Cant wait!
8/1/2008 c1 1WolfgalXX
Ooh, periwinkle? Most people just call it purple or something. Or they threaten with attack dogs/cats/other vicious animals.

Anyways, on to your actual story! I really loved it, and Riley and Ben were very in character. Perhaps you could update soon and tell us about the whys behind Riley's phobia?
8/1/2008 c1 3LupinandHarry
Poor Riley, D=

I love your writing style, you portray Ben and Riley so well! PLease update soon!
8/1/2008 c1 1Time and Fate
i'll admit, you have sparked my curiosity. plzupdate soon
8/1/2008 c1 8Fantasy's Magic
Ah, finally...update soon please!

It's good, of course ;)
8/1/2008 c1 16LoremIpsum
Oh no! What's wrong with poor RIley! That was scary :( You write Ben and Riley really well. Please update this soon :D
8/1/2008 c1 Receneck
Yay I liked it^^
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