Just In
for Alternate Ending

12/20/2020 c4 broooookkkeeee
i am sooo happy james stood up for himself in the prefects meeting. i hate reading fanfics where he’s the one already apologizing
8/3/2016 c30 Murtagh101
I think an a cause it's goes a bit fast from James hating lily to him loving her
7/4/2015 c31 Guest
Why do you always assume we are all girls and like twilight
7/3/2015 c23 Guest
I'm definitely enjoying my snow day, in July, it's definitely snowing
7/3/2015 c22 Guest
Was Madame bibliothek meant to be funny? You didn't even spell it right
Its bibliotechque
7/3/2015 c20 Guest
Stop it with the twilight, it sücks, no one can put up a good argument for why its good eg: its set in America
How is that a reason
7/3/2015 c18 Guest
Thats an unhealthy obsession, it might also be where you are getting your mistakes from eg:Pasted is not a word, well it is, but not in he context that you were using it in, the word you were looking for is passed
7/3/2015 c8 Guest
Did you just imply that I was a girl
5/7/2013 c41 23pottermommy1118
This was...incredible, seriously (no pun intended) awesome. I have read and written J& L fics and this was awesome! Absolutely AWESOME!

Only thing that confused me was Riley pretty much disappearing out of the story even though she was close friends with Sirius and James. And I never really got why he suddenly cheated on her and he felt nothing about it...

But other than that, I loved it.
1/28/2013 c1 3LittleGlassHearts
One word - Wow. I loved this, simply amazing and utterly emotional and just plain Awwwwwwwh! Sat and read this for a whole afternoon when I really should be have finishing coursework, but hey ho! LOVED IT!
9/26/2012 c41 Guest
best story ever, well done! emotional
2/4/2012 c23 Lonnie Jenson
Ah! Wicked curve ball! 2 of my bffs wuld freak if they read that! they made me read the twilight books and watch the movies:) I 3 Jackson Rathbone! he is awsum! this is one of my fav L/J stories i luv it i'm workin on the first ch. of my first ff rite now & 1 of the characters wuld sooo b makin fun of the L/J situation LOL! this is getting long i'll shut up now:)
1/26/2012 c41 13lookmeintheeyesnickjonas
I wanted it to go on forever! However, it was such a beautiful ending. Often the ending spoils it but this was just as amazing as the rest of your work. I truly think you are a wonderful author and hopefully you'll write another long story soon! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1/10/2012 c41 3hellfireholy
"I want to fight beside you - always." 3

This story was amazing and I rarely come across such a story with such a good ending. You should be proud :)
1/10/2012 c41 KonohaOrangeHokage
beautiful story. Ur awesome!
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