Just In
for Alternate Ending

9/8/2008 c7 4XxiceflamexX
Told u tht wasn't boring! =] lol, keep it up!
8/16/2008 c6 1xsodapopx7
good chapter!

post again as SOON as you get home!

8/12/2008 c5 xsodapopx7
good chapter!

post again very very SOON!

8/12/2008 c5 15AsItThunders
I loved it! Write more!
8/11/2008 c1 13lookmeintheeyesnickjonas
ooh that was amazing! you write with such emotcion, sirius gave me chills!

8/11/2008 c4 1xsodapopx7
cool story!

post again SOON please and thank you!

8/4/2008 c2 4XxiceflamexX
Lily's in for it now...=D
8/4/2008 c1 XxiceflamexX
Uh-oh...Lily's gone too far...can't wait to read more! ;) I see you've been busy writing.=] Update soon, mon amis
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