Just In
for Together Again

1/3/2002 c17 Senorita87
cool story, post more soon!
1/3/2002 c17 Malena not signed in but hey who cares
OMG! THAT WAS SUCH A SURPRISE! he he he. Not really, since you let me read it last night. Great chapter tho!~Mal~
1/3/2002 c17 4kittyluver87
LOL! I like it! Yeah! The Weasley's aren't orphans! Yeah! What have Ron and Audry been doing in the boys dormitory? I hope it's nothing well you know. LOL! Keep up the good work!
1/2/2002 c1 Adonae
Crud Liz! I have so much to read now! 1st Chap is good, I'll let ya know as I go. Kittyluver87 & I agree get online more & help us (me) w/ our FF stuff! I can't wait to read the rest!
1/1/2002 c16 GiMmEkIsSeZ
omg i am such a retard.. i was all thinking there was a new chapter up and then i realized i had already read it.. *Sniff*
1/1/2002 c16 kittyluver87
Oh I like! Ha! I'm all caught up now. But I thought all students had to remain at school for the holiday's, so why were just Harry and Ron there? It's good though!
1/1/2002 c15 kittyluver87
Oh I like!
1/1/2002 c14 kittyluver87
Oh I like! So Sad! And Darn those cliffies! What happened to the end at last? Did you take that off?
12/29/2001 c2 Kari
OMG! This is REALLY good! I'll keep on reading it. I like the suprise in it. These last two chapters were really good, but they arre kinda short. I'll keep reading. =) Kari
12/29/2001 c1 Kari
I think it's good so far, I am going to keep reading! Kari
12/28/2001 c16 Malena
*just grins sarcastically* "Have fun Malena!" she says in a mocking voice. Good chapter!
12/28/2001 c15 Malenayou know the deal about signing in
Marvelous dah'lin. Simply MAAAAAARRRVELOUS! Anyhoo, post soon, even though you need more time to get MORE reviewers!
12/28/2001 c14 Malena not signed in but who cares
Burn, VWW, burn... *evil cackle* Don't worry, the TRUE queen shall regain her crown soon enough... soon enough... *starts cackling evilly* *cough!* Whoo... gotta stop cackling while drinking 7up. Goes right out your nose... ow!
12/28/2001 c1 Lyra
Keep going! PLEASE!
12/28/2001 c15 Hermione13
write as fast as your fingers can possibly go! This fic is really really really really really really good! I can't wait, I hate cliffhangers! Why must you do this to us ! I can't stand the suspense, please write as fast as you can! Also, just because I feel I must say this because I luv it when Harry gets the attention, please draw a lot of attention to Harry, not just Audry, if you please.( I mean it in a nice way too, I'm ot being mean! :))


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