Just In
for Together Again

11/12/2001 c3 Malena who didn't bother to sign in
This is such a good story! I really luv it! In the chatpers there are some weird punctuation marks, and some of the words are misspelled (I don't know if I spelled that right...) But every story has some of those! I can't waif for the next chapter, and would you mind e-mailing me when the next chapter comes out, cuz I don't want to pay for Author Alert. *sigh* Well, once again, I REEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY luv your story and I hope u upload soon!
11/8/2001 c2 nailbut
write more i need to read more more more
11/8/2001 c1 5GYRC
I realy like this story... please write some more... I'd really like that!
11/7/2001 c2 Soleia Nova
Hey-lo pet. Great story, really, you shoyld post more soon or I will just DIE! Really tho', keep it up and I look forward to reading the rest.
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