Just In
for Together Again

9/22/2002 c8 2hermione8meg
hello, not to bother you, but any chance you'll be updating soon? i know that it's hard cause i just started my own story and can't spend as much time as i'd like. wanna read my story? it's called the fated locket. it only has three chapters, but i think it's ok so far. please update soon!
9/19/2002 c8 Faerfaen
id hate that too i always get so happy when i get a review so getting one of those would suck!

*~* Dy *~*

Ps Please post a new chapter soon! =O)
9/16/2002 c7 Greendragon
Great Story


different direction from the other one
9/16/2002 c2 4Anonymous9
yea, one, they kinda speak like the british, only a bit weirder, two, ya ever watch any of those so called Hollywood movies?

Might help you a bit
9/14/2002 c7 Fluffy
Fluff, Fluff, Fluff, I love Fluff. HAHAHAHAHA... You need to write more fluff! Oh well be prepared for chapter two, lots of FLUFF!
9/14/2002 c7 Arizosa
Whats Rons problem?

And is Audry Harrys sister?

9/8/2002 c7 Swimmerchic87
Yes, thank you, for finally putting chapter 7 up. Oh, and by the way, you're going to hate me for what I do in my story. Wah ha ha. You're going to hate me like I hate you right now. You better be working on chapter 8. Right at this moment.
9/7/2002 c7 Erica
no no no no keep going damned cliff hanger
8/22/2002 c6 Goldenfire
nice! I'm interested to see what happens next, with all the hints you're dropping :) and Ican't speak for anyone else, but I 'put up with it' because you're such a damn good writer. One of the few with _no_ noticable flaws in your prose...and a good plot, to boot!

keep it up :)
8/13/2002 c6 azntgr01
interesting. i wonder if audry and that professer edward sirs is connected to harry.
8/8/2002 c6 Arizosa

I don´t!

Like this chap,thought.

Hey,Is Audry Harrys sister or something?

She cant be dead can she?

Of course she can,but is she?

8/8/2002 c6 Pyro Nova
LIIIIIZ! I'm not taking forever! Your stupid email (or my stupid email; I don't know which) won't take all 22 pages, so it selects random pieces and gives them to me! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Oh, and in your info area of your profile, you spelled "diaper" wrong. He he. :)
8/6/2002 c6 Firefox
*hugs Queen of Cliff Hangers, and then hits her on the head* as soon as I get the time, I'll read this chap, but wow! 200 reviews! You must be so proud! ^_^
8/5/2002 c6 Faerfaen
evil person.. more oosn please!

8/5/2002 c2 mszdatu
HOLLA! NYC Baby what! lol, sorry just got carried away there. I always do that when every my city is mentioned. Anyway, love your fic though i've just started to read it for the first time. Its very captivating.

As for the me not all new yorkers have accents (since most 'new yorkers' are really from jersey working in the big apple). And if they do it really depends on where your character lived before. Da Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, SI, and Manhattan. Their all different. But if ya need help, just holla at me.


-ps, if ya want tRuE nyc accents ya gotta use they slang. lol, its really just discombobulated english.
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