Just In
for And Now I'm An Everafter

10/6/2014 c11 grimmgirl1
Totally I like thee stories which is probably what Wilhelm Grimm would have said if he was still alive

P's I guess I said it right because it spelled his name right when I used auto speak Funny
9/7/2013 c5 iluvpucknotpeter
That was a very... OOC Uncle Jake... I can kind of imagine henry saying that though
9/7/2013 c4 iluvpucknotpeter
weird dreams...
5/1/2012 c1 Longlivethecookiemonster NLI
I think it was a pretty good story! There were a few spelling errors but not too many. The main problem was that I think there's a chapter or something missing between 7 and 8. I mean, first mr canis and Jessica are talking and then it is the POV of the wolf and I'm all what? So yeah
3/16/2012 c1 dash11
I like your sense of humor. =)

Thank-you for not including a detailed description of how beautiful and unusual Jessica looks.
3/16/2011 c13 5Alice in crazyland
rewrite it. sort of
12/6/2009 c13 43Curlscat
Are you going to do a sequel?
12/6/2009 c12 Curlscat
That was abrupt.
12/6/2009 c11 Curlscat
That was selfless of Jessica.
12/6/2009 c10 Curlscat
Woot! Way to be there in the nick of time, Canis!
12/6/2009 c9 Curlscat
My favorite line was 'well that sucks' -Shere Kahn. So frank.
12/6/2009 c8 Curlscat
Oh good, it doesn't matter what I said, that's what's going to happen anyway.
12/6/2009 c7 Curlscat
I know this is retardedly late and won't make a difference, but I say adventure with maybe a bit of romance.
12/6/2009 c6 Curlscat
There were two spots in this chapter where you put commas where there whould have been question marks, but otherwise good!
12/6/2009 c5 Curlscat
Jake was as jerk there!
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