Just In
for And Now I'm An Everafter

8/13/2008 c2 nina
ooh, i like it, it is very diffrent from anything ive read b4 and you should continue :3
8/11/2008 c2 5Thehappyhufflepuff95
oh that make a million times more sence. we should findout how she became and ever afters maby make the grimms ever afters too.
8/11/2008 c1 Thehappyhufflepuff95
ok but its confusing im the founder of the sisters grimm fan club if u want to join the likn is


go to the forums to sign up
8/10/2008 c1 1Violetbreeze
Cool powers!

Nice story, by the way.

- Violetbreeze
8/10/2008 c1 4isledelfino
This is a really awesome idea! =D I wish I would have thought of it first...xD

Update soon!
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