2/5/2012 c1 2Xtraitor
That caught me so off guard! I was not expecting an answer like that! Kinda wish my family was that interesting. No one in my family would ever do that. Except maybe me.
That caught me so off guard! I was not expecting an answer like that! Kinda wish my family was that interesting. No one in my family would ever do that. Except maybe me.
7/25/2010 c1 Thrice the Double U
I totally get the joke, man! LOL Three "feet" in a yard. Ed has two.
I totally get the joke, man! LOL Three "feet" in a yard. Ed has two.
9/2/2009 c1 FlitterFlutter
Reread your fic! Laughed all over again. That is an odd prank.
I think the best part about it is that even though it's based on something that happened in your life, it does seem like something Al would do, especially since in the manga it says that Al and Winry used to play all sorts of pranks on Ed while he was asleep.
Reread your fic! Laughed all over again. That is an odd prank.
I think the best part about it is that even though it's based on something that happened in your life, it does seem like something Al would do, especially since in the manga it says that Al and Winry used to play all sorts of pranks on Ed while he was asleep.
11/6/2008 c1 FlitterFlutter
That was so funny!
Question: this is set before the whole transmute-Mom thing,right?
That was so funny!
Question: this is set before the whole transmute-Mom thing,right?
10/22/2008 c1 ExorcistAlchemistWizamfreakfan
My other review for your Kitty story I;m really sorry. Just Ignore that. I got it confused with the review I wrote. I'm really sorry. I'm still new at this. Sorry. Amusing your story. =)
My other review for your Kitty story I;m really sorry. Just Ignore that. I got it confused with the review I wrote. I'm really sorry. I'm still new at this. Sorry. Amusing your story. =)
10/13/2008 c1 10Insane Author
Haha, that was brilliant! Your brother is apparently a genius! I really like your writing style, the words flow easily and even a tired mind can comprehend what you're trying to say. I hope you'll continue writing, you have some great potential!
Thanks for the story, and keep up the good work!
Insane Author
Haha, that was brilliant! Your brother is apparently a genius! I really like your writing style, the words flow easily and even a tired mind can comprehend what you're trying to say. I hope you'll continue writing, you have some great potential!
Thanks for the story, and keep up the good work!
Insane Author
8/15/2008 c1 edxwin is cannon
lol! odd prank...anyway, al back to his body? ed with two feet? cool. I love the term "absorbant eyes." that is really cool. great fic!
lol! odd prank...anyway, al back to his body? ed with two feet? cool. I love the term "absorbant eyes." that is really cool. great fic!