Just In
for Roses

11/3/2008 c1 AlreadyMovedOn
Creepy... I like it.
9/17/2008 c1 4Emperor Sunny
This was great, it reminds me a little of Steven King in some ways, except the ending. Hell it might be a little better!
8/27/2008 c1 11overlordofnobodies
Best Cass/Raph I have ever read. Most like because you have Amy in it.How can you have Raphael with out Amy? Any way I like the parts about the rose to.
8/24/2008 c1 Terrastorm
It's always good to find stand out writers like Anysia or yourself writing decent prose.

I don't see much reason to seriously critique this, since it is only a birthday present.

But nice characterization anyways, I always wondered why Soul Calibur always depicts Amy as an innocent thing. Her demeanor always seemed off, not Raph off, but pretty off.

Anyways, Good work on this. I look forward to your new work soon.
8/23/2008 c1 12Kamitose
Ooh, I like this. Great story!
8/23/2008 c1 61Anysia
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Freya, you are an absolute ace. The work you do is without question some of the best in the fandom.

I loved so many things about this piece; the writing is beautiful, the atmosphere more than slightly disquieting, and the symbolism deep and thought-provoking without being overwhelmingly obvious. You'll spoil me at this rate, I swear. I'm also very impressed at how well you managed to write for Amy; I've always found her notoriously difficult to characterize (hence the glaring absence of her in most of my fics), but after seeing your take on the Cass/Raph relationship with her spin on things, I think I'll have a much better frame of reference. You hit what I'd imagine to be her reaction-angry, confused, and more than a little twisted-spot-on.

Re: the sex scene - I knew that if anyone could take poetic smut with a pairing as dark and twisted as Cass/Raph and make it work, it'd be you, and I'm glad to be proven right here. It's beautifully done, sexy yet still tasteful, with just enough darkness (and humor; I loved Raph's scolding re: scratches and the fight for dominance) to keep things interesting. Also, maybe it's the sex-positive feminist in me, but I absolutely loved the reference to Cassandra not being a virgin. It flows so easily and comes across as so natural and realistic that I didn't doubt that bit of characterization for a second. Great work.

I'm really flattered that you rushed to get this to me for my birthday; I really couldn't ask for a better present. You do fabulous work, Freya (I'll even admit to being a little intimidated by your talent), and I'm always thrilled when I see a new Cass/Raph story from you. Thank you for writing. :)

8/23/2008 c1 Unknown
Oh. this a very creative story here i tell you.

One question: Did Cassandra turn evil since the roses where pitch black?

At first, I didn't like this pairing. But now, I'm starting to like it little by little. Amy was acting all scary in this fic. but she is still cute. :)

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