Just In
for Fallen from grace

3/27/2013 c2 12WritingNox
...This is so beautiful, but so sad. I don't know why I read things like this... I guess I just can't stay away from all the pain/hate/angst. Why do you have to write this so compellingly?
10/17/2012 c2 12341234123412341234
WOOO! Hiei Jaganshi and Kurama-kun make an apperence! love this story, love the fact im in it XD
Hiei Orihara
4/21/2009 c2 7The Only Sane One
Amazingly awsome!
10/24/2008 c2 31ChocoCoatedLemons
Soubi-sama... hm... haven't watched all of loveless yet so yeah, dunno if he is totally OOC or not. I hope Kao-chan is ok!
9/1/2008 c2 20Jayrin Paige
Aww! Noo! Kaoru dun die! Update soon O:!
8/31/2008 c1 6badou
How about this, if you update yours; I'll update mine?

It's a fair deal?

I like your story..Continue it! Once you update; I will update!

Deal? Deal.
8/26/2008 c1 20Jayrin Paige
update soon. it's caught my interest ^.^

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