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4/1/2010 c70 3Obscured Tempest
I just... I... This... It is full of awesome. Oh gawd. This was full of amazing. The development floored me, and it just... You are amazing. For the record, I love Torque. I like Anicon, but in that "I want to punch you in the face" kind of way.

This is just really, really good. 3 I can't think of anything else.
3/21/2010 c66 6MyraHellsing
usually, i'd read to the latest chapter before reviewing, but i really can't help myself this time. the last line was so beautiful, i literally have tears coming out of my eyes right now.

"I'd wait for you even if you never came."

that line just really, really got to me. The idea of Lockdown, the ever impatient, broad-natured, Lockdown willing to wait, and wait, and wait even if Prowl were to never call for him... it was just too beautiful.. *sniffles*

on to the next chappie i go~

now i need to go find tissue...
3/19/2010 c70 5Panruru
Why does it have to be over? ;_;
3/18/2010 c70 44br0flove
The amazing thing is no matter how .. loving you create Lockdown to be, he still remains in character (and as far as the show goes it's only about two things for LD: Money and primary modifications).

Toward the first 20 or so chapters I was practically awaiting to see just how well you could pull of an in-character bond/merge, and I must say toward the entire small shots of each chapter (if I'm making any plausible sense here D8) you pulled everything off perfectly. Their partnership, their bonds, their arguments, their interfacing, their worry - and especially Lockdown's throughout Prowl's absense - but more importantly their love.

I thank you for the impressive and ever-so perfect read of this wonderful 70-chapter booklet and hope to see more Lockdown/Prowl from you in the future? As well as eagerly awaiting the chapters updated from your human AU of Lockdown/Prowl. Perhaps a few more sneaky long-chaptered fics of these two couldn't.. possibly hurt?

A cheeky, fangirl P.S on the side: I've always adored the imagined sight of seeing Prowl and Lockdown all curled up with their fingers laced together. It's precious. XD
3/18/2010 c57 br0flove
So I read this on AFF as well as here, and it still confuses me to the core - do they bond in this, or is it just their Sparks connecting.. internally, rather than bonding properly?

Disguised bond implying and all that.
3/17/2010 c70 8Lizzleby
I cried. I cried big, fat, sissy tears of bittersweet joy.

This was a wonderful end to a story so mind-blowingly amazing that I was always looking forward to the updates of it. This, of all your other Transformers stories, is my favorite.

Hence the bittersweet sissy tears.

I'm sad that it's finally come to an end, but glad, too. Because 70 chapters is a LOT to write, and I commend you for accomplishing it. (You wrote FOUR BOOKS here! Almost five, if you go in fifteen-chapter increments.) And the ending was perfect, I think. They're together, livin' their lives, and it's absolutely adorable.


You thanked us, your readers, for sticking with you, but I believe I can speak for everyone when I say that WE thank YOU for writing something like this. For pushing through "a RIDICULOUS 70 chapters," for capturing the nature of Prowl and Lockdown so completely and flawlessly, and for giving us the happy ending we all wanted.

Thank you so, SO much.

You totally rock my socks. 3
3/17/2010 c70 18Optimus Bob
*applauds* amazing simply amazing.

This was just... *sighs happily*

I have no words.

Pure love for this story!
3/17/2010 c70 17Swordage
It's been a great ride, Demyrie. I've truly enjoyed this story - I love your Prowl and Lockdown, and I adore the trust and love that's been built between them. Whenever I think of Prowl and Lockdown together, I think of your story. (And yes, that's a good thing!)
3/16/2010 c70 StarShineMB
Oh God that was such a great ending to such a long and epicly amazing story! I'll have to come back and give you a much better review, singing my praise, but for now all I can write is Bravo! And thankyou!
3/16/2010 c70 119ShiTiger
Still love this fic :)
3/16/2010 c70 Trumani Deo
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this series. You kept these two in character, yet allowed them to grow as they reacted to each other. I especially enjoyed the ending stories, with Prowl and Lockdown escaping the Autobots with Jazz's help; showing how no one faction can be perfect and righteous all the time.

Best of luck to you in you future writing!
3/16/2010 c70 catc10

*hugs fic*

I feel like the ending was abrupt, but then again, WE'VE known what their feelings were for a LONG TIME. I mean, we get the benefit of going into the story knowing from chapter one that they'll get together in the end just because it's a STORY, and that's how these things go (usually), and the boys have known their OWN feelings for a while, too, for certain...I just...I guess that I didn't *want* it to end?

Yeah, that's probably it.

Just...tell me that the twins ended up okay. Please.

3/16/2010 c70 5ToyzInTheAttik
I don't know what to say. This story was so amazing/amusing/moving...gah, it doesn't seem right that it's over, yet you ended it so so beautifully, I wouldn't want it any other way! I am going to reread this, probably multiple times.

When I first watched TFA, I could have cared less about Lockdown, and Prowl didn't really stand out either, but once I started reading this, that all changed. These two now rival my obsession for the MegaScream pairing and YOU are 100% to blame. =)
3/16/2010 c69 19poisonanon
A protoform? Oh Prowler, you play mean. XD
3/16/2010 c70 66renegadewriter8
AW I almost had a heart attack when I opened my e-mail and... OMG SIX CHAPTERS!

I feel so sorry for Jazz. I hope he's okay.

So this is the end? Bo but I liked it anyway. The ending was so nice. But in my mind, I don't know why, that last scene seemed like they died in each others arms. I don't know why.

Anyway. HUGS!
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