Just In
for To Love With The Spirit

10/5/2012 c1 Shadow315
I loved it!

2/14/2012 c1 14Stina Whatever
This is really nice, and I liike that they end up together in the end, just like they should
7/5/2011 c1 James Birdsong
Cute. Tiffany, as usual, is quite correct
2/26/2011 c1 1Wolf-With-The-Red-Roses

your right, really should go brush the sweet cheesiness of my teeth soon. lol

That was lovely.
12/22/2010 c1 9Sonomi-chan
That was so cute, and you definitely captured their personalities beautifully
5/2/2010 c1 Tiffany
10/7/2009 c1 12Invader Miraza
I could just hear that romantic violin theme during the whole story, and that familiar crescendo at the end with Gomez and Mortica's kiss.

I love it. :3
3/26/2009 c1 13negschainsaw
wow* claps hands* wonderful! i adore Gomez and Morticia love so i thought thatlast bit of text was great!
3/16/2009 c1 8MasqueradingDragon
*claps hands giddily* Ok, I'm crazy, but I love the Addams family, and I love your interpretation of what happened to Wednesday and Joel!

This goes for all 3 of the stories about this couple you've written. Good luck with your future writings!
2/14/2009 c1 InsanePink
I am so with you about the reunion movie.
2/12/2009 c1 18blueblackangel
Aww! I loved it! It was adorable. I just recently saw both movies and thought they were great. You did a good job staying in character and keeping the story realistic.

12/12/2008 c1 6Midnightslash
That was really good. I love Wednesday.
11/8/2008 c1 31QueenoftheSlayers
This was funny, and I love it!
11/6/2008 c1 29Yarajalaik
I really liked your one shot. i don't have the time rite now, but when i do i'll read your others. i thought that you saying the reunion will never be mentioned again was hilarious. i never saw it and i don't plan to b/c just by the cover it looks stupid. well thank you for putting this up.

10/30/2008 c1 31FireChildSlytherin5
Aw, that is so sweet! I am going to read the sequel now. :P

Now any more great Wednesday/Joel fics?
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