Just In
for Holly,Root,and ChocolateSugar rush!

12/7/2021 c1 VirReturnsFromMinbar
Very well written.
1/18/2014 c1 40LisaAbiona15
Funny! Good job:) I don't know why, but this reminds me of a pocket elf:O
10/22/2010 c1 bookfreak79
ok random are some of the best fics out there, and that was definetly a great one! :) love it
10/16/2009 c1 google1293
Holy shit, it's awesomeXD
7/17/2009 c1 1savvyjewel7
omg! Wow, I didn't realise how funny and awesome and good this was! I ca't believe I wrote this. It was still funny...ok people, YOU SHALL READ THE STORY AND THY SHALL LAUGH. ok, enough rambling goodbye.

4/12/2009 c1 13crazy person alert
I have never read anything at all reasembalaling(I cant spell, but re-zem-bah-ling. that word) this, and never would care to again. Because, if I did, this would be way less funny and origanal! Honestly, Root's name was in lowercase most of the time, but hey, what can you expect of Word? Really, nothing but problems and name mispellings. Not anyone's fault. Unless itsa mine. Then, I'M SORRY! Where was I? Oh, yeah, this story is mega-funny and just too random! Where did you get the idea for chocolate and elves? Did they invent chocolate? oh, that would be so fun! Elfin chocolate! Wow, I got off topic. Still a funny story.
3/30/2009 c1 Corrupted Lament
LOL this was freakin' hilarious! write another one but make it Artemis and Holly.
3/30/2009 c1 5PadawanJesselinFett
haha hyperness rocks! good story loved it
9/27/2008 c1 16waterdragon719
Random? No. Maybe a little bit...

But funny. Ha! I like funny.

I can totally imagine those two going troppo on chocolate. I was disappointed Foaly didn't join them. magine what crazy stuff he could invent on a sugar high...

9/6/2008 c1 2avatarmirai
LOL that was so random but hilarious! *wipes tear* If only Julius were alive...
8/31/2008 c1 Yessie55
O_O Wow...I think I had a sugar rush like that once. It was...well...FUN! =D Thanks for writing this! It helped me remember the...really random flashback to that moment!
8/31/2008 c1 4archangel3214
LOL LMAO! I can't believe it! If I were a faerie and I was with another faerie I would do the same thing!
8/31/2008 c1 5AH4EVER
omg that is the funniest thing i have ever read and i cant stop laughing that it is so funny

write more soon (it is spelled devour)

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