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for Legend of Spyro: Burying the Past

11/28/2008 c44 7montecristo709
hey man nice chap and yes i got my computer back (YAY!) update soon
11/23/2008 c41 7Raine Moon
Oh and don't worry about me using some of ur characters. I'll soon use DK Mark and some others and i'll copyright them to you.
11/23/2008 c42 Raine Moon
U could use Rebeka in your next chap but If you add her wait for my next chapter cuz she'll have something new. I wont spoil the surprise but i'll do my best to update tomorrow
11/23/2008 c42 7montecristo709
wpn't cying phoenix leave ppl alone already? it's nice to see how Ansem got his family back, nice job man, keep it up
11/21/2008 c41 montecristo709
nice man update soon ok cuz i'm hyped today
11/19/2008 c40 montecristo709
nice job man keep it up
11/19/2008 c40 7Raine Moon
nice chap but I was wonderin, I haven't heard of Kurthnega in this story since 5 chapter are you out of imagnation for him or what cuz i wasnt having the time to upload anything these times
11/15/2008 c38 7montecristo709
nice man update soon
11/13/2008 c37 montecristo709
man dont tell me the story is going 2 end soon? anyways, keep it up. At least u beat me 2 this lol UPDATE SOON!
11/13/2008 c36 montecristo709
lol man at least urs was good
11/11/2008 c35 montecristo709
i prtty much no exactly what will happen next, as well as the Dark God lol i'll be quiet, kepp it up
11/9/2008 c34 montecristo709
lol nice chap man and that part u want to see real power...reminds me of Vegeta saying that to Cell when he does Final Flash lmao...and u added these two guys...which reminds me i might as well i add them to my story as well...keep it up
11/8/2008 c33 montecristo709
o can't waot to see what happens next! lol DG Mark is one badass motherfcker lol ^_^
11/8/2008 c33 7Raine Moon
Good chapter but dont you think it was too much to put the same tower as in DMC3. Anyway i've completed my new chapter and ill soon begin the next one go and tell me if u find it good
11/7/2008 c1 Raine Moon
Hey Dude if you want to use one of my character either Kurthnega or Kira, Go on as long as it stays copyrighted to me. k anyway u are really doing a great job and i've completed my first chapter after the prologue and montecristo why dont you go see my story A Legend Arise rated M just above his story
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