Just In
for Legend of Spyro: Burying the Past

10/8/2008 c18 7montecristo709
10/6/2008 c17 montecristo709
something tells me that i just want to mound two 100 round clip guns onto my car and do some crazy sht...nice update man...which reminds me...the races will come soon in my story
10/4/2008 c16 montecristo709
nice chap man...update which case im gonna update my chap as well
10/2/2008 c15 montecristo709
ok i admit that this is better yet interesting. the last line when Godith thinks about Will...

I don't know why will seems so familair to her...u quite got me on that...but then again interesting.

p.s just got a sudden idea in this...what if Will was...u know...try and kill in the blanks cuz i just thought of a sad chapter.
10/2/2008 c14 montecristo709
NO NOT MY $400,0 SEHLBY GT 500! NOT EVEN MY $850,0 LAMBO! ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO GET THOSE CARS? rides are gone...i'm gonna kill Will or MAd Wolf when i have the chance...
9/30/2008 c13 montecristo709
lol just reading this chapter made me go play Midnight Club 3 for about 2 hours lol sorry for the late review...MUSCLES! FTW! lol update soon man
9/28/2008 c12 montecristo709
lol i have been reviewing all your chaps and no one else has...u are also doing it to my story as well but i don't care i got like 5 more ppl who r reviewing as well...MUSCLES FTW!
9/26/2008 c11 montecristo709
O a RACE oh man i love races with my GT 500. Remember that pic i send you about my ride along with your ride and Godith's and Spyro's and Nero? Ya use them man, they the best lol
9/24/2008 c10 montecristo709
DL Mark doesn't have upgraded versions of weapons...u be surprised lol nice chap man, update soon.

p.s can more ppl post for this story already? cuz i am the only one who is posting lol
9/22/2008 c9 montecristo709
long chap? dude, try typing up 5,880 THAT'S a lot and a long chap. anyways nice man update soon
9/21/2008 c8 montecristo709
9/17/2008 c7 montecristo709
...eagles man...i got dual eagles lol...jk i love magnums as well...nice chap man. update soon like seriously soon man. I managed to type up to 1,300 word chaps in an jk, take your this is exciting!
9/15/2008 c6 montecristo709
lol i knew that i made a wrong turn at the kitchen . lol good chap man update soon
9/14/2008 c5 montecristo709
o nickname? aw i liked it when i say DL w.e you want man..update soon
9/11/2008 c4 montecristo709
lol nice man..."you forgot." lol that was funny. Anways...its nice man keep up the good work and alos about that idea Luna and Elaine...what do you think Godith and Cynder are?

They are sisters. Luna and Elaine are sisters that is what i had thought about AND DK Mark in my story meets his yeah...

keep up the good work!
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