Just In
for Legend of Spyro: Burying the Past

9/9/2008 c3 7montecristo709
intensity...through the roof.
9/7/2008 c2 montecristo709
well nice, you got the Dark God from Chronicles of Spyro right? or was it my story.idk and idc lol...nice job man...this is smiliar to my future story for some reason lol...can't wait to see u update

p.s...don't forget my characters lol.

p.s.s u the King man
9/5/2008 c1 montecristo709
o nice begining to the that part where the were re-building the temple. ;) my story the very begining lol it's ok to use some parts, i'm cool with that...can't wait to see chapter 2...and chapter 69 will be up soon lol 69 get it?
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