Just In
for Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki Pokemorph remake

5/1/2018 c2 Borello
this story sounds strange but interesting too.
2/6/2017 c2 6my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
6/4/2012 c2 Velshard
"losing" not "looseing" which I'm pretty sure isn't a word... (busts out a Webster), "loosing" however, is. Defined as, to let loose; to release; to free from restraint.

Aside from that gramatical blunder I'm onboard.

Signed, Velshard
12/2/2010 c1 dead acount 78934
Please write more! it was epic! loved it and you need to continue it! it was that awesome!
7/22/2009 c1 3incomplete-imaginary
Good job good job!
3/1/2009 c1 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.

Hinata, fem. Haku, Temari, Anko, Kurenai, Tsunami, & Yugito should be in the harem.
9/18/2008 c1 1Leaprechaun1
I thought that he would be able to change back?
9/11/2008 c1 spedclass
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!

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