8/4/2012 c1 17McInstry
I'll take one chocolate covered Booth to go, please. ;)
This was perfect. He is right for her and he knows it and she figured it out. And that's just gorgeous.
I'll take one chocolate covered Booth to go, please. ;)
This was perfect. He is right for her and he knows it and she figured it out. And that's just gorgeous.
3/5/2010 c1 Olivia
I loved it! Soo sweet :)
I loved it! Soo sweet :)
6/6/2009 c1 243Tadpole24
so...um...pretty much I can't believe i've never seen your stories before now. Or I have, but just haven't had a good read through them all.
I will try and remedy that in the next hour before work. hehe
This piece was gorgeous. :) I loved it. i really enjyed that you turned a night at the diner into a date, because it captures the ease of transformation from partners to couple. When in (finally) happens, it should be easy for them. :)
And high five for the mention of Booth's gelled hair. hehe. I had a little giggle coz everytime i hear it, i think of the commentry on two bodies in a lab and david boreanaz picking on his hair all the time. :)
Thanks for an awesome fic...
*is off to read more*
so...um...pretty much I can't believe i've never seen your stories before now. Or I have, but just haven't had a good read through them all.
I will try and remedy that in the next hour before work. hehe
This piece was gorgeous. :) I loved it. i really enjyed that you turned a night at the diner into a date, because it captures the ease of transformation from partners to couple. When in (finally) happens, it should be easy for them. :)
And high five for the mention of Booth's gelled hair. hehe. I had a little giggle coz everytime i hear it, i think of the commentry on two bodies in a lab and david boreanaz picking on his hair all the time. :)
Thanks for an awesome fic...
*is off to read more*
5/28/2009 c1 26Caramelchan
Wow I totally love it!
And making a poor writer's day does lots for me, I tell you :P
Wow I totally love it!
And making a poor writer's day does lots for me, I tell you :P
3/23/2009 c1 2pandas rule the world
I added you to my author alerts a few fics ago but forgot to leave a review lol because I got distracted by working my way through your fics so I figured I should leave one now. They are so sweet and I love the interactions between Booth nd Bones. Can't wait for new additions to your works, now if you'll excuse me I still have a few left to read lol.
I added you to my author alerts a few fics ago but forgot to leave a review lol because I got distracted by working my way through your fics so I figured I should leave one now. They are so sweet and I love the interactions between Booth nd Bones. Can't wait for new additions to your works, now if you'll excuse me I still have a few left to read lol.
1/3/2009 c1 Username Unknown
This was my favorite yet! I swear, my heart stopped when he kissed her. I think that your pacing is perfect, the tone and pitch of their interaction, the level of description (enough to set the scene, but not so much that I feel like I'm being beat over the head) the tender moments mixed with the humour mixed with the angsty uncertainty. So. Much. Love. This was just perfect, so sweet and amazing and THEM. Thank you!
This was my favorite yet! I swear, my heart stopped when he kissed her. I think that your pacing is perfect, the tone and pitch of their interaction, the level of description (enough to set the scene, but not so much that I feel like I'm being beat over the head) the tender moments mixed with the humour mixed with the angsty uncertainty. So. Much. Love. This was just perfect, so sweet and amazing and THEM. Thank you!
12/24/2008 c1 21BetweenTwoWorlds
Ah, so romantic! I wish there were a thousand guys like Booth out there...there only seem to be a handful! Great story!
Ah, so romantic! I wish there were a thousand guys like Booth out there...there only seem to be a handful! Great story!
12/19/2008 c1 NorthernLimelight
that was wonderful on soo many levels.
the kiss was perfect, their conversations were natural.
the whole story was fantastic!
that was wonderful on soo many levels.
the kiss was perfect, their conversations were natural.
the whole story was fantastic!
11/26/2008 c1 marionoz
Hi, don't get many opportunites to read fic so when I do, it better be good or I spend the next hour or so berating myself for having wasted valuable time. Needless to say, I've just added you to my favourite authors list and will be dropping in to read your work again and again in the comforting knowledge that quality and sigh-inducing old fashioned romance written seamlessly and beautifully in character await me. Congratulations. You have them just right and are very talented.
Hi, don't get many opportunites to read fic so when I do, it better be good or I spend the next hour or so berating myself for having wasted valuable time. Needless to say, I've just added you to my favourite authors list and will be dropping in to read your work again and again in the comforting knowledge that quality and sigh-inducing old fashioned romance written seamlessly and beautifully in character await me. Congratulations. You have them just right and are very talented.
10/4/2008 c1 55Bond.Jane
*sigh* and *sigh* again... I watched this episode only 2 days ago (we get in the UK three weeks behid you lucky buggers) and now you've made my heart go all gooey inside... I loved the lokks on their faces back in Sweets office- priceless what those two can communicate with just their eyes. I was keeping my fingers crossed for a wee bit more of story- but I get it: this is a very good place to end it... *sigh yet again* Thank you
PS- yes, Sweets is becoming omnipresent. I hate it!
PS2- I'll take my Booth naked, please!
*sigh* and *sigh* again... I watched this episode only 2 days ago (we get in the UK three weeks behid you lucky buggers) and now you've made my heart go all gooey inside... I loved the lokks on their faces back in Sweets office- priceless what those two can communicate with just their eyes. I was keeping my fingers crossed for a wee bit more of story- but I get it: this is a very good place to end it... *sigh yet again* Thank you
PS- yes, Sweets is becoming omnipresent. I hate it!
PS2- I'll take my Booth naked, please!